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Jacob from the Dark Realm Returns novel Chapter 5

Kaley was regarded as one of the four beauties in Riverside City.

Galip had been obsessed with such a beauty for a long time, tried to chase her in many ways, but Kaley never talked to him. However the goddess in his heart married with a penniless coward.

The result was completely unacceptable to him.

“So now that you’ve married to Jacob, Kaley, I would destroy him.” Galip thought to himself, so he would humiliate Jacob every time they met.

Even worse, Galip found Jacob’s ex-girlfriend, gave her some money and made her his woman. Then he would show off with her in front of Jacob every time to humiliate him.

The only thing Jacob could do was seeing Amanda flattering Galip, and Jacob’s sad face just entertained Galip every time. So when he met Jacob today, he immediately called Amanda over and was ready to humiliate Jacob one more time.

However, this Jacob today was no longer the cowardly Jacob whom they knew before. Instead, it was the Emperor of the Dark Realm with a fierce reputation.

As a result, Galip didn’t find the angry face he expected.

And to his surprise, Jacob had a sarcastic expression on his face, looked at him like he was an idiot.

How could it be?

If I was to humiliate you, you had to show me that humble and miserable face I wanted to see.” thought Galip.

“Look, Jacob, don’t feel good as a member of the Harris, you have to say sorry to Galip, and if you don’t, just look out. Someday we’ll get you.” said Amanda.

Jacob was amused by Amanda’s remarks even if he had tried to calm himself. He said nothing from the very beginning. Why should he apologize?

“Who do you think you are? How dare you tell me what to do?” Jacob sneered, a flash of killing intent in his eyes.

What Jacob hated most was betrayal, and Amanda betrayed the former Jacob. If it weren’t on Earth, Jacob would kill her without saying a single word.

“You are...” Amanda could hardly believe what was happening. She thought Jacob would do what she told as usual, and apologize to Galip. As long as Galip was satisfied by humiliating Jacob, she could be rewarded with countless favors.

After all, last time she met Jacob, he still loved her and would do everything for her, which made her feeling so good. But this time, what she never expected was that Jacob would dare to scold her instead of following her order.

“Are you mad at me? Aha, Jacob is angry now! I thought you were like an idiot and won’t be fired up! It is right to be angry, and it would be more interesting if you are angry.” Galip said with a smile.

“I see, baby, it seems that Jacob saw you, and realized that he hadn’t even hold hands with you, while I could do whatever I want with you, he’s not feeling good. What about this, just let him hold your hand for a second, and comfort him. Otherwise the Harris family would be mad at us as we bullied their son-in-law!” Galip said to Amanda.

“Oh no, Galip, I belong to you, I don’t want other guy to touch me...” Amanda said, leaned to Galip’s arms.

Seeing them acting and trying so hard to humiliate him, and fully absorbed in their own amusement, Jacob interrupted, “I’ve had enough of you, Amanda.”

And then he turned to Galip and said, “Do you really think I would be interested in a secondhand woman like her? She was a virgin when I was with her, and then she had several relationships. Now she must have been fucked by a lot of men, and only an idiot like you would be interested in her. However, if you really take special liking to such a whore, congratulation on you!” Said Jacob sarcastically. The smile on Jacob’s face became jocular.

“Do you think I believe you?” Galip’s face turned pale. It was true that Amanda was not a virgin any more when he met her.

“You need evidence? Great, perhaps as you know, I ate only cheap bread for two months to save money for her. The money was used for an abortion surgery, as she was pregnant. And when I recall those days, I was so embarrassed by myself...” Jacob made a thoughtful expression.

And after these remarks, he looked poignant and lost in memories.

Saving money for her abortion?

Didn’t Amanda say that was to buy a phone for her?


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