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Jacob from the Dark Realm Returns novel Chapter 6

Kaley's words humiliated Galip like a slap right on his face.

The worst among the garbage?

Galip's eyes were filled with rage.

There was more than that. Jacob placed his hand on Kaley's slender waist and gently hugged the beauty that he had yearned for but could not obtain.

With ease, he hugged her in his arms!

"Idiot, you know what? You treat the woman I've dumped like a treasure, and the goddess you yearn for has become mine. This is the truth!"

"Feeling desperate?"

Jacob smiled.

"There’s something more devastating for you. It's not that I want to hurt your feelings, but I think you should face reality."

Then, Jacob asked the two men who were passing by, "Guys, he doesn't believe a man can have sex six times a night. Can you do it?"

"A piece of cake."

"I can do it eight times a day, let alone six."

They responded calmly. As if they were trying to prove that what they said was true, they deliberately looked at Galip with inexplicably complicated expressions.

What kind of expressions was that?




Galip was about to explode with anger, his face flushing.

In no way would he believe that these two men could do it eight times a day.

When Galip's face turned red, the two strangers thought he was ashamed.

As a result, they became more confident.

Thus, Galip found their expressions become more complicated.

"Get lost."

Galip finally couldn't help but roar at the two strangers.

Jacob reached out and patted Galip on the shoulder. A strand of energy entered Galip's body.

"See? You don't have to believe me, but you should believe them. You can't do it yourself, but it doesn't mean that everyone else is as impotent as you. Although Amanda doesn't say anything, it doesn't mean she won't compare you to other men secretly."

"This is the hospital. I suggest you do an examination and get some treatment. Perhaps you can still be fixed."

Jacob looked at him with a compassionate look.

He sneered secretly.

‘Picking on me?’

‘You will never be able to recover your dignity and have sex like a real man!’

‘The Emperor of the Dark Realm must not be humiliated.’

‘Those who offended me already ended up either dead or crippled.’

"Darling, let's go."

By the time Galip reacted, Jacob had already left with Kaley in his arms.

Galip's eyes were bloodshot, and he was so angry that he almost vomited blood, "Jacob, I will kill you. I must kill you!"

He would definitely take revenge for the humiliation he had suffered today.

He swore.

"Young Master Bell, don't listen to Jacob. How could he possibly do it six times a night? He's just a piece of garbage. He's lying to you. You're the one who is really..."

Amanda hurriedly came over, trying to hug Galip. She praised Galip and belittled Jacob.

However, before she uttered the last word "awesome", she suddenly stopped.

She realized that she had said something she was not supposed to say.

Unfortunately, there was no chance to correct it.

Galip slapped her in the face without the slightest bit of pity. He looked at her fiercely, "Bitch, didn't you say that Jacob never has sex with you? How could you be so sure that he couldn't do it?"

Jacob's words were replaying in his head: "Although Amanda doesn't say anything, it doesn't mean she won't compare you to other men secretly."

Galip's self-esteem had truly been hurt.

Because of the alcohol and the unrestrained sexual life, he really wasn't good in that aspect.

Amanda would definitely compare him to Jacob.

Right now, Galip was certain that Amanda had slept with Jacob before.

"You're a slut who has been dumped by another man. How dare you to lie to me?"

The hatred in Galip's heart had reached an extreme extent.



On the other side

After Jacob walked away with Kaley in his arms, he put away all the expressions on his face.

He returned calm and emotionless.

"Can you let go of me now?"

Kaley said coldly.


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