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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 128

Sometimes, too beautiful things made people feel unreal.

Although Angela looked cheerful outside, she was as suspicious as Li Daiyu inside, the heroine of "Dream of the Red Chamber", one of the Chinese classics. She had trusted man for so many times, but in return, everything had changed. She couldn't believe that any man in the world would treat her differently, just like she was with all the other ordinary women. Nothing special.

Her heart sank to the bottom in an instant. The desire and excitement in her eyes gradually returned to peace.

In this world, everything did not belong to anyone, even if they have access to it, there's a time limit. Since Edward didn't belong to her, why should she be afraid of losing him? But this time, she would reserve.

Edward felt that her hand on her waist was gradually loosened. His heart sank when he saw that she was no longer shy and nervous.

Perhaps, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't win a chance. He'd better give up...

Just as he loosened his grip a little, her hand suddenly wrapped around his neck. Before he could react, her soft lips were kissed. His eyes were suddenly wide open and his body was stiff.

Angela's kiss was unskillful. Seeing that he didn't move, she loosened her grip a little and stared at him.

Was there anything wrong?

One was shocked, and the other was confused. The four eyes met, and each of them felt an unbearable desire.

The shock on Edward's face froze for a long time before he could not help smiling happily. His starry eyes sparkled with excitement.

He pulled her head and kissed her deeply. Compared with her gentleness just now, his excitement was like a storm. After a while, she felt suffocated. He was immersed in it, as if he wanted to plunder everything from her.

The high passion made her a little overwhelmed. Her hand slid down from his neck and pressed against his chest, but he did not want to let her go before get satisfaction.

Hearing her gasp, he released her lips. The moment she opened her eyes, her smooth neck was filled with his warm breath.

While she was gasping, he longed to give her endless love with tenderness.

She had planned to take a break, but her body was as soft as a pool of warm water. Touched by his kiss, she felt out of control unprecedentedly.

When she felt the coolness in front of her collarbone, her heart rose.

"Edward..." She called his name, feeling panic because her voice was too soft to hers.

What if something really happened between them and she was pregnant? If she got pregnant, how could she continue her study?


Her face flushed, but she frowned slightly. Then, he kissed her gently between her eyebrows. His action was as soft as the clouds, which made her heart jump to her throat.

All of a sudden, her mind was filled with pictures of him. The perfect side face when she first saw him with the door open, his serious look when he was reading documents with his head down, he hugged her to block the hot water for her, and the man in front of her now...

His gentle looking surrounded her. All of a sudden, she couldn't bear to refuse him.

"It's a little cold here." She had to say it with a red face.

It was not until then that Edward realized that he was in such a hurry that he forgot that the two of them were still on the ground. He picked her up and said, "hold me tight."


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