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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 149

As long as I'm your husband, that's enough... ——

Why were there always some flaws on the originally perfect things? How happy she would be if he only cared about her?

"Hmm... We have to get up early tomorrow, don't we? Let's go to bed early." She tried to put on a smile.

He had done everything he could. He had never done anything so attentively, but in the end, he still got such a result.

Seeing that she was unwilling to say more, his eyes gradually dimmed.

This night, he still slept with her in his arms. Although it didn't go further, at least she didn't reject him now. As long as she was in his arms, everything would be fine.

Edward didn't notice that the corners of his mouth were gradually rising. The two of them closed their eyes tacitly, but they were awake in the first half of the night. They didn't fall asleep until two o'clock in the morning.

The next day, Angela was awakened by a knock on the door. She covered her head with the quilt painfully and rolled it up to continue sleeping. Seeing her like this, Edward, who was taking care of himself, couldn't help but chuckle.

Normally, she would get up early to study. Now it was almost eight o'clock, but she was still sleeping so soundly. Last night, when she was in his arms, she wanted to move, but she controlled herself. He was afraid that she didn't sleep much because of what he said last night.

"If you don't get up, we can't take photos." He stood aside and looked at her wrapped in the quilt.

"Okay..." She snorted angrily and turned her back to him, indicating that she didn't want to talk to him.

At this time, someone knocked on the door again. "Please wait a moment," replied Edward.

One of Lucy's assistants was a man. He didn't want other men to see his wife's sleeping face.

"Haven't you got up yet?" He asked again.

Angela didn't reply and continued to sleep.

Was it not easy to wake her up?

With a smile at the corners of his mouth, he leaned over and whispered in her ear, "if you don't get up now, I will do what I want to do but didn't do last night."

What he wanted to do but didn't do last night...

Still sleepy, she didn't know what he meant for a while. Then she heard his ambiguous voice, "I don't mind letting them wait outside and hear your voice."

"! ! !" Suddenly, she understood what he meant and opened her eyes. He put his hands in his pockets and standing straight with a smile as he saw her opened her eyes.

Angela was so frightened that she couldn't fall asleep. She got up, washed and changed her clothes. Seeing that she had taken care of herself, Edward went to open the door.

This set of wedding photos included the majestic palace style and the style of the regions south of the Yangtze River with rivers and bridges.

The first set was a photo of the bride and groom in their dragon and Phoenix gown and a photo of the traditional clothes of the Han dynasty in their home.

After changing the first set of clothes, the two of them came to the indoor studio. According to the photographer, the two of them sat on the couch and took several pictures of them tasting the tea across the small tea table.

Next, there was an intimate photo of the couple.

Seeing Angela standing stiffly next to Edward, the photographer said, "the bride gets closer to the groom!"

She tilted her body a little, but still kept a long distance from Edward.

The photographer was a little helpless. "Get closer! Be closer!"

Wasn't this close enough?

She had to move a little more.

Seeing this, the photographer frowned and simply said, "change a posse! Groom, you are lying on the bed."

Edward lay down and looked like a lazy young man in the leisure time in the afternoon.

"Bride, lie on the groom's body."

"! ! !" She was a little surprised. "Lie on him?"


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