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Kidnapped and Rejected The Return of Alpha’s Luna (Janet and Daran) novel Chapter 264

Chapter 264 

The next day, Aspen told Janet that he needed to be at Daran’s Luna screening. Yet the last thing that Janet wanted to do was to go to this thing and see Daran pick 

his future wife

Aspen, you have grown out of control!” 

She straightened her face and tried to talk to the boy in a serious voice, You made a lot of people worried with your recent behavior. Do you know how mad your father will be when he finds out about this? So no, you won’t be going to that screening. And you will come home with me and Lady Medline now!” 

The boy pouted

He fluttered into Janet’s arms and begged her in the cutest voice possible, Please Momdon’t be mad at me. I just want to hang out here for a bit longer. I promise! I will go back with you soon!” 

Janet looked at his big innocent eyes and felt tempted to agree to anything that he wanted

This boy was so hard to say no to

How long do you want to stay here?she took a step back and asked, There is gotta be a date. And we need to stick to it.” 

Wellthe boy blinked, How about we stay till daddy picks out his new Luna?” 

Janet was astonished, Daddy?!” 

King Daran,the boy grimaced sticking his tongue out. He said that I could call him daddy.” 

Janet took in a deep breath, Aspen Lockhart, you do not call another man your daddy! How will Westin feel about this? It will break his heart!” 

It is just for fun! Please, Mommy, don’t tell Father. I swear I won’t do it again!” 

Janet didn’t know how she should react to this

Aspen had never shown this much affection to another man besides Westin. Daran was the only exception

Was this the ties of blood

Mom?the bov called her again. What do you say? Can we stay till King Daran 

picks out his Luna?” 

Janet pondered for a while and then sighed, OK.” 

This was probably the last time that Aspen got to spend with his biological father

After they went back to the Lycan’s land, they would never meet again

She couldn’t take this last chance away from her son

Oh yeah!Aspen looked so happy, Then can we go now? I asked a maid, and she told me that the screening is in the great hall downstairs.” 

Janet took his hand and reminded him once again, When we are with someone else

you need to act like I am only your nanny, Janine Kurt. The others can’t find out about who I really am and that we are Lycans.” 

I understand, mommy.” 

So they went downstairs to the great hall

The doors were closed by the time they got there. The soldiers guarding the door told them that the screening had already begun

I will inform the King that you are here,said the soldier

He went into the great hall and came back out moments later

You are free to go in now.” 

Janet thanked him and took Aspen going into the hall

Facing the entrance was a throne and Daran was sitting in it. He was talking to a man standing in front of him when Janet and Aspen came in

Good day, my King.” 

Janet curtseyed to him, holding her head down, I have brought the young master here.” 

Daran raised his head. A strange look flickered across his face when he looked at Janet

Lady Kurt.” 

He raised his lips into a strange little smile, You are just on time. Come. And meet your father.” 


Janet’s mind went totally blank

Her father? What was Daran talking about

In her trance, the man standing in front of Daran turned around to face her. He was in his late 50s, with a pale/thin face and soft brown eyes

He didn’t look familiar to Janet at all

And he was also checking Janet up with a shocked expression

In a split of a second, Janet suddenly knew who this man was

This man must be Lord Kurt, from Black Water Pack

Supposedly the father of this fake identity that she made up

Janet almost had a mental breakdown right on the spot. How the fuck did this happen?! 

Medline told her that this coverup was perfectly safe

And the Kurts rarely left their own pack, so there would be no one to expose her fake identity

But here Lord Kurt was, staring at her, with Daran watching them in the back

She would be caught right in her lies if she didn’t do something

What is the matter?” Daran asked with a raised eyebrow, Did you forget what your father looks like?” 

Janet pinched her own arm. The pain helped her to calm down

Then she strode up to Lord Kurt and curtseyed, Father, it is so nice to see you here.‘ 

Lord Kurt stared at her with an odd expression on his face

Janet raised her head looking back at him and said, Why didn’t you let me know that you have arrived? We should find a time and catch up sometimes.” 

She gave Lord Kurt a pleading look, hoping that he would play along with her act. It was a long shot but… 

As long as this man didn’t expose her in front of Daran, she would find a chance to straighten things up with him later

She couldn’t have Daran became suspicious of her

Father? It is me. Janine.” 

She blinked at the man, praying in her heart that he would come around


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