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Kidnapped and Rejected The Return of Alpha’s Luna (Janet and Daran) novel Chapter 261

Chapter 261 

Aspen was beyond excited to have Janet as his nanny

He liked hanging out with Daran. But he also missed his mom very much

If he could have Janet and Datan by his side at the same time, there was nothing else that he wanted on this planet

Great!Aspen stared at Daran with eagerness gleaming in his big eyes. When are you going to interview her? Like now? Shall we go find her right away?” 

Daran couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle, You really like Lady Kurt, don’t you? But I can’t give her that interview right away. I have meetings to attend to.” 

When can I come to your meetings?asked the boy excitedly

Now it was Daran’s turn to be surprised, You want to come? It is just going to be a bunch of adults talking for several hours. It might be tiresome.” 

No. I don’t find meetings tiresome. Actually, my dad let me sit in on his meetings all the time. I like seeing him scold other people when they did something wrong.” 

It was true

Westin often included Aspen in his meetings. The boy grew up by the meeting table in the council chamber, listening to the king and the elders discussing how to manage the kingdom

Daran was once again amused by the boy’s honest answer, Your father scolded people a lot, huh? Is he like a boss or a CEO?” 

Aspen shook his head with a very serious look on his face, No. I told you. He is a king.” 

Yet Daran didn’t know that the boy was telling the truth

He still believed that this was just a little boy’s fantasy

Of course, he is,Daran said in an offhand kind of tone and rubbed the boy’s head. Well, if you’d rather come with me than play hideandseek with your friends, you are more than welcome.” 

Aspen let out a cry of joy and ran off to Jasmine, telling her that he would be going with Daran to the meetings

Jasmine and the other girls found that very hard to believe

Are you crazy? Volunteering to be in a room full of adults and listening to their yammersthat is like suicide!Jasmine cried

Another girl echoed with her, Indeed. Play with us in the garden. It is so beautiful out here. Why waste your time indoors?” 

Yet Aspen shook his head firmly, No thank you. I have had enough fun for one day already. Now it is time for me to learn. I will hang out with you another day perhaps.” 

He bowed to the girls like a little gentleman and hastily ran back to Daran

Let us go,said the boy as he offered his little hand to Daran

Daran held his hand and doublechecked with him again, Are you sure that you want to be there? You can barely reach the meeting table.” 

I can sit on your lap, or a stool by your side. Now enough talking. Let’s go ruling,said the boy seriously

Daran burst out laughing, Well, as you wish, my little prince.” 

He picked up the boy hoiding the boy in his arms and headed over to the meeting 


The meeting room was packed with people, alphas from all over the world, and elders in Riverside Packs

Everyone stood up to greet the King when he stepped into the room

And naturally, they noticed the little boy in the King’s arms

Aspen handled those gazes with a calm demeanor beyond his years. He had been to tons of big occasions. A crowd like this would not interrogate him

So he returned those gazes, puffed out his little chest, and held a confident smile on his face

Daran walked to the end of the table and took his seat

He did not ask the servants to bring an extra stool for the boy but instead kept the boy on his lap

Sit,he said to the room in a deep and majestic voice

Everyone sat down. Their eyes were still on the boy

My King, may I ask whom this is?asked an elder sitting at the table

My child,Daran answered briefly

A round of astonished gasps could be heard in the room

One of the Alphas cried, Your child? But forgive me, my king, how come none of us knew about this before” 

Daran gave him a freezing look, Are you saying that I need to keep you updated with every detail of my personal life?” 

The Alpha shivered in fear, Noof course not‘ 


Then let’s get back to the real business,said Daran icily. What is on the top of today’s agenda?” 

After a short silence, everyone swallowed down their questions and looked back to their notebooks and files

They were still curious about the boy. But none had the gut to poke the bear. Sitting on Daran’s lap, the boy lifted the corner of his mouth into a small smirk. His fake daddy was even more intimidating than his real father

It was so fun to see him scold other people

The meeting lasted for more than 2 hours

Daran worked with the Alphas and elders and cleared items on the agenda

Daran thought the boy would fall asleep out of boredom. Yet to his surprise, Aspen sat through the whole meeting without showing any signs of annoyance

in on bic bands looking interested in any 

He listened attentively, resting his little chin on his hands, looking interested in any subjects that they talked about

Maybe the boy was a natural ruler

That thought flickered across Daran’s mind

After they were done discussing the last unresolved matter, Daran closed the file and 

looked around the room

Are we done for today?” 

The Alphas and elders shared a reluctant look as though there was something on their minds still

Daran noticed their hesitation, What is it? Is there something that we didn’t get to?” 

The thing is” 

An elder from Riverside Pack cleared his throat

There is indeed something that we would like to discuss with you, my king.” 

Daran frowned and tapped his finger on the table impatiently, Then hurry and say it.” 

He wanted to wrap up this meeting soon and got back to interview Aspen’s nanny

That woman named Lady Kurt

For some weird and unknown reason, he was eager to meet with her again

We would like you to choose a Luna, my King,the elder said

There was a moment of deathly silence

Daran narrowed his eyes, in which there was a terrible storm building


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