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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 258

Chapter 258: What is It 

Jackson looked at Esme, who could not control his eyes and ducked. 

Why do these two brothers like to stare down people? 

It was terrible! 

“Uriah put you up to it?” 


Esme looked at Jackson. 

How does he know? 

Is this guy inside her head? 

Jackson smiled and looked away. 

The look in her eyes told him enough without Esme answering. 

It was Uriah. 

He asked Esme to get them divorced. 


Uriah, this is how you want to tear us apart. 

What can I do? 

I have the marriage license, I have the household register, and as long as I don’t get a divorce, there’s nothing you can do to break us up. 

Chapter 254 Wh 

288 Mouchers 

“Jackson, you…” 

Esme’s hair stood up as Jackson laughed. 

His smile is worse than not smiling! 

“What did he give you?” 

Jackson looked at Esme with a smile on his face but a chill in his eyes. 

Esme played a cold war. bowed his head and rubbed his hands, “Oh. you said that…” 

“What he gives. I’ll give you double.” 

Esme looked at him. 

Double up on 

Double up on 

She felt that she was suddenly surrounded by countless red SUNS, and was extremely happy. 

Finnian stared too, too shocked to speak. 

Double that, and that’s $20 million… 

Twenty million dollars… 

They can’t even think about it… 

Alva leaned against the door, listening outside, not moving. 

When Jackson returned to the bedroom, he thought Alva was still asleep. 

But it didn’t. 

Chapter 258 What is t 

π 283 Wouters 

She sat on the bed, looking out of the window, very quiet. 

Jackson paused, closed the door and sat down in front of her. 

“When did you wake up?” 

He looked at her with tender eyes. 

It’s like nothing happened. They’re just the same. 

Alva moved her eyes and finally looked at him. 

“I heard everything you said.” 

He stared at her without moving his eyes. “Well, I’m sorry.” 

“He took our marriage license without your permission.” 

He wouldn’t have done it before. 

But after seeing Uriah’s tactics, he knew he could never be the same again. 

He had to use means, too. 

Alva looked at him. “Was it worth it?” 

Her eyes were still clear, still bright, but there was a desolation in them. 


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