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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 259

Chapter 259: Really Worried 

Calliope looked at the black pressure of the people, said: “For last night Alva night Boss Irwin hotel, we also just know, please give us a little time, so that we understand the situation. We will tell you.” 

With that. Calliope gets in the car. 

Soon the car merged into the traffic. 

After a few steps, the reporter pointed the microphone at her and asked the photographer to slap the camera in her face Then she looked into the camera and said “Bella didn’t give us an answer about the hotel where her ex-wife slept last night, but I can tell from Bella’s face that she was in a bad mood ” 

“So Alva really got in the way of their relationship.” 

Frank snapped off the TV and threw the remote control angrily on the table. 

Grab the phone. Call Alva. 

These reporters, they’re claiming that Alva was in Uriah and Bella’s relationship. What evidence do they have? 

Based on a video? 

Besides, they’re all blind, right? Can’t you see she looks bad in the video? 

So the bad face is to interfere with other people’s feelings? 

Chapter 259 Really Worried 

1288 Vouchers 

One is really crazy for the front page! 

“Sorry, the number you have dialed is off…” 

Frank suddenly had a headache. 

Alva, at least let me know what’s going on with you. 

I’m really worried about you! 

It wasn’t just Frank who was worried at that moment, Ambrose was worried too. 

He saw the video, and it was clear that Alva was going to Uriah for something. 

And it’s urgent. 

He didn’t know exactly what, but something must have happened between them last night. 

He was worried. 

Ambrose took the cell phone and called Alva. 

“Sorry, the number you have dialed is off…” 

Shutdown status. 

He frowned and called the other man. 


‘Mr Philip, can I ask you something? 

‘What is it? You say.” 

“Please go to Alva’s hotel and find her. I need to speak to her urgently, 

Chapter 259 Really Worned 

244 Nouchers. 

but I can’t reach her. Call me as soon as you find her.” 


“Thank you for your trouble.” 

“It’s okay, I’m going now.” 


Ambrose hung up the phone and clicked on the comments under the latest story. 

“That woman is not involved with her ex-husband, and hooking up with her ex-husband’s best friend, it is not a good thing at all!” 

“With a pure face, what you do is not such a thing, and it really meets the requirements of a bitch.” 

“This woman is so skilled, surrounded by excellent men, my God, how did she do it!” 

“What else can you do? Do as you please, of course…” 

Seeing the comment, Ambrose shut down the page. 

By this time, his face was stiff. 

Something is clearly wrong this time. 

What happened during his absence? 

Or Uriah, what did you do? 

Philip called quickly, and Ambrose answered. “How’s it going?” 

“Miss Gellar checked out two days early?” 

Chapter 254 Really Wome 

2001 Vouchers 

“Check out?” 

Ambrose elenched his phone. 

Why did she check out of 11 City when she was fine? 

She checked out and hasn’t returned to Paris. Where is she now? 


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