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Let Me Go, My Mafia Husband (Aria and Alessandro) novel Chapter 111

Chapter 111 Wife For Hire 

You can’t be serious, Adam said, shaking his head with a disdainful look at Claire 


I don’t get paid to joke, Mr. Whitmore Claire replic ly, making Adam seguint at her dangerously 

“Do you hear yourself!he snapped, causing Claire to wince Marry To whom? If you’ve forgotten, a wedding requires both a bride and a groom. Where and supposed to find a bride so quickly?he grimaced 

But you’re Adam Whitmore, Claire shrugged with a smug expression, mimicking his tone. Who could refuse you?” 

Are you sure you want to fucking mess with me, Miss Simon? You are my PR manager. Who knows me better than you do, considering what I’m capable of?be threatened in a menacing tone, making Claire swallow hard. She knew that Adam Whitmore was capable of dirty tricks, and those who crossed him often disappeared without a trace

Hear me out first,Claire offered calmly, knowing the devil inside this gorgeous man had fully awakened. and was enraged

Speak!Adam ordered, taking his seat again. His blue eyes darkened with anger as he glared at her. making the poor girl sweat profusely

Listen, you proposed to Miss Peterson publicly, and all the media and news channels covered it with live broadcasts. But, things didn’t work out as planned, and Miss Peterson refused to marry you.Claire glanced nervously at Adam, who narrowed his eyes at her, his nostrils flaring with irritation. However, only we know the truth. So, if you find a bride and announce a confirmed marriage this time, we can spread the news that the previous proposal was a prank and a marketing stunt to hide your true love interest. This way, your image will be recovered, and everything will be fine.” She let out a breath of relief with a soft smile

Adam chuckled. You’ve proven to me that hiring you as my PR manager was no mistake. Good job. Claire. But the problem still remains: we don’t have a woman who will agree to marry me on such short notice,he shrugged nonchalantly

As I said, you have a huge female fan following and can find a bride easily,Claire suggested

Huh! Have you forgotten that I just got rejected by the woman I love? How can I be sure that the woman i choose to marry will actually want to marry me?he shot back

Claire looked embarrassed and whispered. That makes sense. She began to think about how to find a bride for her boss quickly

Adamn studied his PR manager closely, surprised by his newfound awareness of her appearance. He had never really paid attention to how beautiful she looked even without makeup. Her ovalshaped face was adorable, and her pale skin was flawless. Her lips were naturally pink and plump, her cheeks had a subtle blush, and her babyblue eyes were large and captivating. He couldn’t discern her figure because she always wore oversized clothes, and her habitual scowl made him think she disliked him. She was simple and nerdy, with her long blonde hair always tied in a plain bun. It amused him to realize that she had never tried to dress attractively or impress him, even at events where she remained hudden in a corner, clad in her oversized suit 

Adam had always been surrounded by artificial beautymodels and actresses whose allure was nothing more than a facade. That was why he was alwa intoisijed by Mia’s milicity and natural beauty even 



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through tật was very stylish. But Claire was different, and this only deepened his interest 

Had he not med her employment letter, he would never have guessed her age. Despite being only 25. The appeared far more matu 

ature Claire had joined him as a fresh college graduate, and until now, he had traly noticed her. She had never shown any interest in him or tried to capture his attention, unlike other women who buzzed around him trying to get noticed. Despite her frustratingly curt behavior, he 

always been comment as long as she enhanced his net worth and managed his public relations effectively

All these potens made Adam think deeply, and he suddenly realized that Claire might be the perfect candidate to fulfill all his requirements for a bride without being clingy 

Marry me be blurted out before he had a second thought

Sammy and Clare both turned to Adam in shock, their eyes wide with confusion

Excuse me? What did you say?Claire asked, furrowing her brow. She thought she might have heard wrong or her ears were buzzing 

“I uid marry me, and we have the ultimate solution to this problem, Adam said casually as if discussing the weather rather than proposing marriage

Man, this is not the time for jokes, Claire warned him sternly, her annoyance clear


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