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Let Me Go, My Mafia Husband (Aria and Alessandro) novel Chapter 114

Chapter 114 Tough Decision 

Such an ungrateful niece you have. Luke,her aunt bellowed as Claire stormed out of the house, not daring to look back. Her cheek still throbbed from the slap, and she could feel the heat of impending swelling and redness

Come back, you ungrateful bitchher uncle’s furious thout echoed after her, but Claire didn’t stop. Her heart pounded in her chest as she walked briskly

Claire retreated to her room, her mind a whirlwind of ghts and emotions. She got ready for work, but when her gaze fell on her reflection, she winced at the evidence of her uncle’s slap on her cheek. It was red and swollen now. She couldn’t go to work like this, so she applied makeup carefully to hide the swelling and redness. With her face partially concealed, she set out to so Daniel before heading to work. She needed to tell him about Adam’s marriage proposal, and her heart weighed heavily with the news

When she arrived at Daniel’s apartment, a foul stench greeted hera pungent mix of filth and stale alcohol. The disarray was evident, with discarded bottles and scattered clothing strewn across the floor. It seemed Daniel had passed out from excessive drinking and drug use the night before

Claire hesitated for a moment, then steeled herself. She approached his bed and shook him vigorously. Daniel! Danielshe called out, her voice sharp with urgency

Daniel groaned, barely coherent, as he turned onto his side. His eyes fluttered open, a bleary gaze meeting Claire’s

Who the fuck is disturbing my sleep?he mumbled, his voice thick with irritation and disorientation

Claire’s heart sank at the sight of himdisheveled and unresponsive, a stark contrast to the man she had. once knowIL

Daniel, wake up. I need to talk to you. It’s important,” she urged, shaking him harder

He squinted at her through the haze of his hangover, his expression a mix of confusion and annoyance

What’s so fucking important that you had to drag me out of bed?” 

Claire took a deep breath before bursting out the news, Adam Whitmore proposed to me.” 

The gravity of her words seemed to cut through the fog of Daniel’s stupor. He blinked, slowly processing the information. Adam Whitmore? The Adam Whitmore?His eyes widened with a mix of shock and curiosity

Yes,Claire said firmly, nodding slowly

Daniel’s gaze shifted, his mind clearly racing as he absorbed the news

That fucking asshole, hitting on my girlfriend,he muttered, clenching his teeth. Then his gaze shifted to Claire, anger burning in his eyes. You slut, what did you do to make him make a move on you?” 

Claire flinched at his accusation. She hadn’t told her uncle and his family about the contract marriage, but she realized now she had to tell Daniel about it

Daniel, calm down. The thing is, he has to get married instantly, and he can’t trust anyone else but me. So he proposed that I should be his contract wife for a year, and he will pay me generously,” Claire explained

wade in has 

Chapter 114 Tough Decision 

The realey of the situation sank into Daniel’s mind, and suddenly his eyes blinked greedily

How much is he going to pay you?he shamelessly asked. Claire sighed

*Half a million a month,” she murmured



Holy shit!Daniel’s eyes flared with surprise, and he held his That man is filthy rich!he exclaimed

head in disbelief, beaming shamelessly

I know,” Claire mumbled

Go ahead, babe. You have my blessing,he sounded excited, then hesitated. ButClaire knew what he wanted to know

There will be no intimacy between us, but we have to get closer in public to make it look real,Claire told him. Daniels’s grin widened upon hearing this

Oh babe, I know Adam Whitmore will never be interested in you and won’t want anything to do with you. You’re not his type. But you know what? I love you, and I will wait for this whole year to be over,” Daniel smiled, kissing her softly


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