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Let Me Go, My Mafia Husband (Aria and Alessandro) novel Chapter 116

Chapter 116 Buying The Ring 


stant designers, said, her voice laced with every detail according to our client’s 

Ma’am, this is the design you asked for,Joy, one of Mia hint of apprehension 7 personally visited the site and Do preferences. Please review it so we can start working on the project as soon as possible.She glanced at 

knowing how difficult she was to pleasenothing short of perfection would do 

canned the design, nodding slightly Hmm, everything seems good.she murmured, still absorbed in her review. ButShe stopped midsentence as her phone chimed

The notification showed a message from the private number. Mia held up her finger, gesturing for Joy to wait a moment, and unlocked her phone, curiosity tugging at her

As she read the message, her eyes widened, and she instinctively licked her lips, trying to conceal her 


Joy, give me a few minutes. I’ll get back to you,she said, looking up with a forced calmness

Sensing something urgent, Joy nodded and left the room without another word, leaving Mia alone with the unsettling message

Maswallowed hard, her hand trembling as she stared at the message on her phone. The words seemed to Hap of the screen, chilling her to the core 

Stay away from Alessandro Valentino, or be ready to see your children dead, one by one, mercilessly.” 

A cold wave of fear swept over her, tightening around her heart like a vice. Her mind raced, struggling to process the gravity of the threat. She gripped the phone, her knuckles turning white, as the weight of the 

sank in Mia’s thoughts spiraledwho could be behind this? Why target her children: She needed answers, but the terror coursing through her veins made it hard to think clearly. Her children were her Efe, her entire world, and her everything. A mother’s instinct kicked in and she was willing to do anything for her children. Nothing was more important in her life than her childrennot even her mafia husband

For a brief moment, all the noise and activity around her faded into the background as panic set in. What was the supposed to do now

Where are you, Adam? Claire huffed on the phone

Adam and Claire were supposed to go ring shopping together as part of their strategy. Being seen together 

jewelry store buying an engagement ring while pretending to hide from the media would clicit national news and gossip about the superstar being seen with his PR manager

However, she had been waiting for him for over an hour, and he still hadn’t arrived. I’m on my way.Adan replied on the phone, making Claire sigh 

It means I still have to wait longer, Claire grumbled with irritation

Why don’t you go inside the store and choose a ring for yourself?Adam suggested

But we were supposed to do it together, Claire reminded him

Ill reach by the time you select a ring. After all, you girls take time in shopping, right?Claire rolled her 



Chapter 116 Buying The Ring 

Alright,he mumbled halfheartedly. Knowing it was part of her job, she went inside the store


Claire stepped inside the Tiffany store, instantly dazzled by the ne of diamonds. She had always dreamed of owning fine jewelry but never had the chance due to her many expenses. Though Adam provided her with a decent salary, her grandmother’s medical bills, supporting her uncle’s family, and paying rent and bills for her boyfriend left her with barely any money to buy herself good clothes. Buying jewelry, especially from a branded store, was a distant dream for her

The store was a glittering paradise of luxury. Each piece of jewelry was displayed with meticulous care, sparkling under the perfect lighting. Claire wandered around, her eyes wide with awe as she glanced at the diamond necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and many other exquisite ornaments. The delicate designs and shimmering gems captured her imagination, allowing her a brief escape from her financial worries. She took her time, knowing she had a while until Adam arrived

How may I help you?Claire was pulled back to reality by a sales associate’s voice. The woman approached with a professional smile that didn’t reach her eyes. She scrutinized Claire from head to toe, clearly assessing her simple appearance and tasteless clothing. Internally, the sales associate grimaced, thinking about how often people walked into the store without knowing they couldn’t afford anything. Yet, she maintained her professionalism, though she wanted to chase the woman in oversized clothes away from the store

Yes miss. I am looking for a beautiful engagement ring.” Claire smiled at the sales associate, who remained stern

What’s your budget, ma’am?the sales associate asked, her tone a mix of skepticism and politeness, hoping this could be an excuse to drive Claire away without being rude

I haven’t decided yet. But show me a beautiful ring.Claire shrugged nonchalantly

The sales associate snorted at Claire’s reply and smirked before questioning arrogantly in a whisper. leaning closer. Are you sure you can afford a ring from here?” 

Excuse me?Claire was taken aback by the scrutinizing gaze


Ma’am, I mean no disrespect, but I think you’re in the wrong place,the sales associate said, her tone dripping with condescension. The shop you should go to is across the street. You’ll find a ring within budget there.” She pushed Claire intentionally with her shoulder as she stepped past her, greeting another client

Good evening, ma’am and sir. How may I assist you?The sales associate’s smile was bright, and her eyes showed respect this time

Claire shook her head, feeling a mix of humiliation and frustration. Deciding to leave, she turned to go and find another jewelry shop

Claire!A familiar voice stopped her in her tracks. She turned abruptly to see Amanda standing there, drested in a stunning kneelength dress with a handsome man in an expensive suit by her side

AmandaClaire smiled, momentarily forgetting the insult from the sales associate

What are you doing here?Amanda asked with a taunting edge in her voice

I came here to buy a ring,Claire replied honestly. 

Despite pretending to be Claire’s friend. Amanda had always been jealous of her.Claire had consistently 

topped the class and camp scholarships, becoming the teachersfavorite and the center of aucunion for het exellent acadente recont Back then, Amanda’s bierne was masked by a façade of friendliness, bor she secretly wished for Claire to talk in life 

But it’s Tittany, Claire!Amanda placed a palin on the side of her mouth and whispered with amusement 

I know that. Amanda, Claire replied, swallowing her pride and trying not to let the humiliation affect lice She wanted nothing more than to leave the store, a place where looks and money seemed to be the only things worthy of respect. It was a harsh reflection of the real world, and Claire felt like she didn’t te 

I was also telling the same to this woluan, natam,the Lales associate, who had been witnessing their conversation, interjected with a mocking smick

Oh, poor girlAmanda said with a tuting smile. By the way I forgot to introduce my fiance. This is Richard Harrison. He’s one of the top men on Forbes list of the wealthiest prople in the worldshe said proudly, clinging to Richard’s arm


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