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Let Me Go, My Mafia Husband (Aria and Alessandro) novel Chapter 124

hapter 124 Married Couple 

The grand wedding hall was a vision of eleg and opulence Crystal chandeliers hung from the high eeslings, casting a sparkling glow over the marble floors, Intricate floral arrangements adorned every 

emer. Sing the air with the sweet scent of roses and lhes Guests sat in rows of plush chairs draped in 

satin, their eyes fixed on the couple at the altar. The famous band from LA played soft, romantic mmusic, adding a layer of magic to the atmosphere

the ceremony unfolded, the media buzzed with excitement, narrating the event and snapping countless 

The paparazzi were everywhere, capturing every detail of Claire’s stunning wedding dress, a masterpiece of silk and lace that shimmered with each step she took The train flowed gracefully behind her, and the debcate veil framed her face, enhancing her natural beauty. Adim looked dashing in his black tuxedo, perfectly complementing her radiant appearance

They looked so perfect together as Adam held his bride close, gazing at her with love in his eyes. Meanwhile, highprofile celebrity guests, eager to be the first to share the moment, clicked photos with their highend phones, racing to post the first picture of the couple on social media

Everyone was eager to know why Adam chose Paris for the wedding instead of his hometown of London 

LA, where most of their guests were coming from

During a prewedding media conference, Adam was asked why he chose Paris for the wedding instead of London, where his parents lived, or LA, where he was currently based 

He replied. “I wanted to get married in Paris so Claire’s grandmother could also attend. I would do 

anything to bring a smile to the beautiful face of my wife Claire was deeply touched by Adam’s response

Her eyes searched the crowd and found her grandmother sitting comfortably in the front row, mingling with Adam’s family, while her uncle’s family sat on the other side. Claire smiled warmly as her grandmother waved and sent a flying kiss toward her

Dearly belovedthen the officiant began, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Adam Whitmore and Claire Simon in holy matrimony Marriage is a profound and beautiful commitment, a bond that brings two people together in a union of love, respect, and mutual support.” 

The offerant then glanced at Adam and Claire, observing their faces for any signs of emotions. Both appeared nervous and excited

Adam Whitmore and Claire Simon,the officiant continued, the vows you are about to take are a solemn promise to each other. A promise to stand together through good times and bad, to cherish and protect one another, and to nurture a love that will grow stronger with each passing day.” 

Claire stole a glance at Adam behind the veil, who was listening to the officiant with such sincerity that it almost seemed as if they were truly committing to each other for life, rather than just fulfilling a oneyear contract. She felt his hand tightening around hers, a subtle reminder of his presence and the connection they shared. Reahring he had noticed her gaze, Claire quickly turned her attention back to the officiant, ber cheeks flushing with embarrassment. She tried to pull her hand away, but Adam only tightened his gripsing to let her go. He kept holding her hand the entire time

(change these vows, the officiant began, remember that this is a partnership built on trust and turned to Adam Mr. Whitmore, do you take Claire Simon to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health to love and to cherish until death do you nart?” 

Chapter 124 Mortied Couple 


I doAdam looked deeply into Claire’s eyes, his voice steady and sincere. Claire’s heart fluttered with at mx of emotions as she listened to him


Now, Ms. Simon,the officiant continued, turning to Claire, do you take Adam Whitmore to be lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do you part?” 

Yes, I do.” Claire’s voice trembled slightly as she replied, but she held Adam’s gaze, finding 

supportive smile

rength in his 

Then the wedding rings were presented to them on a silkcovered tray. Adam gently held Claire’s hand and slid the ring onto her finger. He then extended his hand, and Claire slipped the ring onto his finger

By the power vested in me,the officiant proclaimed, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may 

kiss the bride.” 

Claire’s heart raced, her nerves fluttering as she panicked. Was he actually going to kiss her? They hadn’t discussed this part, their first kiss, but according to the contract, they had to be intimate in public. This was just the beginning, and Claire found herself extremely nervous, as acting was never her strong suit

However, she didn’t have to act hard as Adam took the initiative. He circled his strong arm around her waist and pulled her closer. He leaned in, gently lifting Claire’s veil. She swallowed hard 


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