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Let Me Go, My Mafia Husband (Aria and Alessandro) novel Chapter 136

Let Me Go, My Mafia Husband 

Chapter 136 Starting A War 

+5 Pearls 

The car screeched to a halt as they reached Alexander’s manor, and Alessandro yanked the door open, storming toward the massive metallic gate, only to be stopped by the guards. His men, who had been trailing him in other cars, quickly arrived, ready to back him up

Let me the fuck in! My wife and children are in there! Alessandro shouted, his voice thick with rage

Sorry, sir, we can’t let you enter without the Duke’s permission,one of the security guards responded sternly

Do you even fucking know who I am?Alessandro roared, his anger boiling over

Whoever you are, sir, we can’t let you in,the guard shot back, matching Alessandro’s intensity. Infuriated, Alessandro drew his gun and aimed it at the guard’s head. Do you want to fucking die?” 

He was beyond furious. There was no way he could think calmly, not with the thought of his wife and children trapped inside that mansion. What if the Duke had already taken them captive? What if he had twisted Mia’s mind to leave Alessandro and stay with him

No, he couldn’t just stand here and let that bastard win. He had to get inside and talk to his wife

As Alessandro approached the gate, the guards raised their rifles, aiming directly at him. In response, Alessandro’s men drew their guns, pointing them right back at the guards. The guard at the gate had already radioed for backup, and more guards and soldiers were on their way

Matteo, who had rushed over after parking the car, stepped in between them, trying to defuse the situation

Put the gun down, Alessandro,” he insisted, grabbing his friend’s arm in an attempt to lower the weapon

Alessandro glared at Matteo, anger flashing in his eyes. What the hell do you think this is?he snapped, annoyed at Matteo’s interference

Let me handle this, okay?Matteo murmured reassuringly. He knew his friend, who was madly in love with his wife, was in deep trouble and that things would only get worse if gunshots were fired. The fallout could expose Alessandro’s secrets and ruin his image. Trust me,he pressed, seeing the frustration in Alessandro’s eyes

With a huff of irritation, Alessandro reluctantly lowered his gun and gestured for his men to do the same

Let’s talk this out calmly,Matteo proposed to the guards, who cautiously lowered their weapons in 


Alright, we’ll wait here. Inform the Duke and Miss Peterson that we’re here,” Matteo instructed, his tone firm but measured

But Alexander had already arrived, having been informed about the chaos at his manor gate

What’s going on here?he frowned, taking in the scene of armed men gathered outside his home

The guards straightened up and saluted

Sir, this man is causing trouble. He demanded to enter without your permission,one of the guards 


09:04 Fri, Oct 4

Chapter 136 Starting A War 


+5 Pearls 

The Duke’s eyes narrowed as he recognized the mafia king. He knew Alessandro Valentino and his family all too well. The animosity between them was not newit had begun twentyseven years ago with the murder of Alexander’s father and his sister’s mysterious disappearance. When they investigated, the name Antonio Valentino, Alessandro’s father and the mafia boss of western Italy at the time, had surfaced. Antonio had been the one who aided the traitor intent on wiping out the Montecarlo family in a single day

But with no concrete evidence, they had been unable to take action, and the true identity of the traitor remained a mystery to this day

What the fuck are you doing here, Alessandro Valentino?Alexander demanded, stepping toward him, the sight of Alessandro igniting all the painful memories and rage he had tried to bury. In that moment, he forgot all about etiquette and manners

I’m here to take my wife and children back,Alessandro replied, stepping forward until they stood inches apart, the hatred and disgust in their eyes unmistakable

Wife and children?!Alexander scoffed, confused


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