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Let Me Go, My Mafia Husband (Aria and Alessandro) novel Chapter 151

Let Me Go, My Mafia Husband 

Chapter 151 Harsh Reality 

Hazel turned to the kid, who now looked visibly more relaxed

See? I told you,she said, gently patting the kid’s check No one can bully you, okay?” 

The kid nodded, a small smile appearing on his face as well


Hazel’s work was almost done, and her phone buzzed repeatedly with calls from her mother. She was volunteering with her NGO, providing support to cancer patients. She found joy in helping those in need. and bringing a bit of happiness to those who had lost hope

At heart, Hazel was a princess, believing in fairy tales and drearing of her own happily ever after. She envisioned a prince coming to her rescue, sweeping her off her feet, and carrying her away to his kingdom

However, she never felt like she was in such trouble that she was required to be rescued by some man. She was a strong, determined woman with clear goals for her future, capable of solving her own problems

After saying goodbye to everyone in the oncology ward, as her timings were over, she finally answered her mother’s call as soon as she exited the hospital

Yes. Mother? What’s going on?Hazel asked, heading straight for her car in the parking lot

Hazel, where are you? Come home soon,her mother’s anxious tone made Hazel’s heart race with a twinge of worry

What happened, Mother? Are you okay?she asked promptly

Yes, I’m fine, but it’s about the Duke’s family,her mother informed her.. 

What happened to the Duke’s family?Hazel asked, frowning with concern creeping in

There was a violent attack on them. They’re all severely injured,her mother explained. Come home soon. We need to visit them as soon as possible.” 

Mother, I’m sure they have plenty of wellwishers. They probably don’t need us to visit,” Hazel replied, rolling her eyes. She was weary of flattering elite families just to secure marriage prospects for her and her 


She knew her mother all too well as her mother did nothing without a selfish motive. Her mother’s primary goal was to marry each daughter off to the wealthiest family in the country. However, with her brothers proving useless and their father’s business bankrupt, the family desperately needed to form alliances with wealthy families to secure funding, restart the business, and settle her brothers

Shut up, you ungrateful daughter!her mother snapped, her voice so lout that Hazel had to pull the phone away from her ear. You need to be here on time, and that’s an order,her mother insisted, and without waiting for a reply, she hung up

Hazel sighed, frustrated. She had no interest in marrying for money; she wanted to find love. Determined to refuse her mother’s unreasonable demand, she got into her old, secondhand carone she had bought with her own earnings. Her father had always splurged on his sons, buying them the best of everything. while his daughters only received expensive clothes and jewelry when they were presented at society events to attract wealthy and influential suitors


Chapter 151 Harsh Reality 


Her two elder sisters were already married off to wealthy families, and her father had extracted whatever he could from those unions. One sister was married to much older man, almost twice her age, who had a son from his first marriage, just a couple of years younger than her. Her sister’s husband was unfaithful too, boasting that his wealth allowed him to sleep with anyone he wanted. Hazel had watched her sister suffer daily, trapped in a life of misery

Her second sister had been married to a business family that went bankrupt. After their financial collapse. the family essentially sold her sister to investors, forcing her to sleep with many men to recoup their losses. Hazel’s heart ached every time she saw her second sister, who lived in constant suffering

Her sister had become a living corpse, merely existing because she didn’t know how to escape her predicament. Despite the money she brought in, her husband and inlaws treated her poorly, calling her derogatory names like slutand whore,” even though they were the ones who had forced her into such sinful work. Her husband showed no affection, refusing to touch her claiming she was dirty, and instead maintaining another woman he claimed to be his true love

Hazel had urged her sister to leave her husband and return home, but her sister felt trapped, believing she had nowhere else to go. She knew their father would never support her or appreciate her for leaving her husband

Hazel didn’t want that kind of life for herself. She was optimistic about changing this tradition and not marrying for money

As soon as she parked in the driveway of her father’s mansion, the sound of shouting and yelling reached her ears. She knew immediately that her father was taking out his anger on her mother again

She hurried inside 

hoping to intervene before things escalated further

There she is!one of her brothers announced in a frustrated tone. She had two older brothers, both of whom were utterly useless

Everyone’s eyes snapped toward her, making her feel uncomfortable, and she lowered her gaze

Where the hell have you been?her father demanded, striding toward her with a voice full of fury

I was volunteering at the hospital,she replied quietly, her tone laced with nervousness

How many times have I told you to stop wandering around? You need to save yourself so I can at least get something from your marriage,” her father warned, his tone dangerously low

Marriage or sale?she snapped instantly, anger surging as she thought of her sistersfates

Shut up, you ungrateful daughter! How dare you talk back?her father screamed, slapping her hard across the face. He was about to strike her again when her mother intervened

James! No, dear. Don’t hurt her. We have to visit the Duke and his family. What will we say if she has bruises?her mother pleaded

Her father dropped his raised hand with a loud huff. Get ready quickly. We’re going to visit the Duke’s family,he ordered, his voice still seething with anger

Why do we need to visit them? Why are you all making such a big deal out of this?Hazel demanded in ber low but defiant voice, holding her cheek, which still burned from her father’s smack

Because the Duke has agreed to marry you. Show some concern, you ignorant girl, her elder brother


08:34 Sat, Oct


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