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Let Me Go, My Mafia Husband (Aria and Alessandro) novel Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Spitting Image 


Wien Mis returned home, he found Niven in packet are, making calls and barking consers in the gibi 

de Mise dropped the call midconvertation and 

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MaiHivoice trembled with relief and mentemorion as he hugged her tightly. Thank Cind you came back home,he mummoned, there his worried eyes took in her bandaged 


What happened to you, hody? And where were you? Your phone wasn’t even reachable?” Adams voice was a mix of annoyance and concern as he fired off a string of questions

Calm down. Adam First, tell me where Gia and Maximo are,” Mia asked about her children. her voice steady but anxious 

They’re inside, playing with their toysEmily emerged from a room, closing the door behind her as she spoke. Mia’s eyes met Emily’s silently conveying her deep concern for her 


rading Mia’s mind, Emily answered her unspoken question. Don’t worry, they don’t know anything. For them, you’re at work

Mia sighed in relief

are you going to tell me what happened to you and who did this to you?Adam asked again with desperation in his voice

I met with a small accident, and my phone was broken in it. I couldn’t contact you, but some people helped me get to the hospital. After the checkup, I returned home. Don’t worry, nothing major happened, and I am perfectly fine.” she said, concealing the truth

She couldn’t tell them about her abduction. Revealing that would mean explaining the entire story and mentioning Alessandro. She didn’t want anyone to be suspicious of her wasn’t willing to let anyone know about it

past. She 

Nothing happened?!Adam scowled. Nothing happened, huh? You have scratches all over and marks as if someone had beaten you.He peered deep into her eyes, searching for the 


Mia averted her gaze, not wanting Adam to uncover the hidden secret in her eyes

I was hit badly by a car, but the impact didn’t hurt me much. I’m safe, she lied, crossing her fingers in hope that Adam would believe her and stop asking questions

God, Mia My heart almost stopped and I couldn’t breathe when I couldn’t reach you. Don’t do it again. Adam pleaded, taking her face in his large hands


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+5 Pearls 

Mia’s heart melted. No one had ever cared for her this much. She didn’t have many friends, but Adam and Emily were the only people she could rely on

I am fine and safe, Adam. Mia whispered, taking Adam’s hands from her face and holding them in assuIMICE 

Ma’am, you don’t know what we went through when we found out you were missing. We were so worried and scared. Every phone call seemed like it was you, butEmily trailed off, her voice trembling with the thought of something untoward happening to Mia. Mr. Whitmore called everyone and sent many people to search for you,” she added, concern etched on her face

Mia’s heart filled with gratitude and guilt at the same time for the stress her friend went through because of her

Emily, we’re not at work. No need to be formal, Mia said with a soft smile

Emily nodded and then hurried to hug her tightly. I’m so happy you’re alright,she said, her voice thick with emotion

Thank you for taking care of Gia and Maximo, Mia said, her gratitude evident

Emily shook her head. Ah, they’re my little angels. You don’t have to thank me for taking care of them.”” 

Emily had been with Mia from the beginning. She had witnessed Mia’s struggles and her rise to success through sheer hard work. She truly adored Mia, both as a single mother and as an entrepreneur. To Emily, Mia was the strongest woman she had ever met

Mommy!Gia and Maximo came out of their room after hearing the commotion

My babies!Mia kneeled down as both twins ran and jumped excitedly into their mother’s embrace. She winced slightly, the pain still lingering despite the painkillers

What happened to you, Mommy?Gia asked, taking Mia’s beautiful face in her small hands. Her cute eyes blinked with concern

Mommy slipped and fell on her face,Mia giggled humorously as she took her daughter’s small hand in hers and kissed it gently

Oh, Mommy, I have told you so many times that you have to be extra cautious while walking. But you always talk on the phone and never pay attention to the road,Maximo. whined sullenly

Mia was slightly amused and slightly scared as he had taken after his father and was as intimidating as Alessandro, even at just five years old

Okay, baby boy, I will be more careful next time.Mia smiled as she promised her son


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