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Let Me Go, My Mafia Husband (Aria and Alessandro) novel Chapter 177

Let Me Go, My Mafia Husband 

Chapter 177 One Condition 


If I were you, I wouldn’t even think about doing this,a low growl sent a shiver down Tomasspine, but he masked his fear, glaring at the man with irritation. The stranger’s grip on his hand was so tight, it felt like it might break

Who the fuck do you think you are, interfering in our private matter?Tomas snapped

In an instant, Tomas was shoved aside with surprising force, as strong, muscular arms wrapped protectively around Emily’s shoulders. She stood stunned, her heart racing as Matteo Vinci appeared out of nowhere like a knight in shining armor. Emily blinked, struggling to grasp the situationwas this really happening? Where was his date, the gorgeous woman draped across his lap just moments ago

Private matter?!Matteo scoffed, then declared firmly. She’s my girlfriend, so anyone messing with her will have to go through mel 

Emily gaped at Matteo in disbelief as he introduced her as his girlfriend. Still, she felt grateful for his intervention, protecting her from someone as cruel as her exhusband

Tomas blinked in confusion, glancing between Emily and Matteo, who pulled her closer while sending a death glare his way

Girlfriend?!Tomas snorted. Who are you? Some lowlife?!He mocked, glaring down at Matteo

Matteo smirked sarcastically, his calm demeanor more menacing than any warning. Matteo Vinci, the attorney,” he replied coolly

Tomas gasped in surprise, instinctively taking a step back. Of course, he had heard of Matteo Vincithe ruthless attorney known for his relentless approach in the courtroom. Mercy was not his trait, and quick retribution was his calling card

Now, before I send you a legal notice for harassing my girlfriend, get the fuck out of here,Matteo snapped, his voice low and dangerous, the threat gritted through clenched teeth. The menace in his tone left no room for argument

This is not over, Emily,Tomas spat, his voice full of venom before he hurried off as if a ghost were chasing him

Don’t you ever dare threaten MY WOMAN again!Matteo shouted after him, his voice echoing down the hallway. Tomas stumbled in his steps with fear, his confidence visibly shaken

Emily giggled softly, enjoying the sight of Tomaswho had always terrified hernow tasting his own medicine. It felt oddly satisfying

Thanks, Emily murmured, her smile genuine as she looked up at Matteo, grateful for his intervention. Slowly, she slipped out of his embrace, her heart racing with a mix of unfamiliar feelings. Matteo. reluctantly let his arm fall to his side, suddenly feeling a wave of coldness and emptiness in the absence of her warmth

You’re welcome, gorgeous,Matteo murmured, sighing as he looked at her with a hopeless smile. His tone was light, but there was something deeper in his gaze. By the way, who was he, and why was he trying to hurt you?His frown returned as his eyes drifted to the exit where Tomas had just disappeared. Matteo’s Raze then shifted back to Emily, waiting for her answer

He now Emily hecirated 


muse chiftine musu Mu prhuchand Tomas Bradford” 



Chapter 177 One Condition


Matteo raised one of his thick brows at the revelation. Now it made sensewhy Emily had divorced him. Tomas was nothing less than a monster, and Emily was better off without him

Why did you come to meet him here?Matteo asked, the question gnawing at him. Was she here to reconcile with Tomas

I didn’t meet him,Emily choked, her voice trembling He tricked me. He sent a business deal under a fake name and asked for a meeting.she explained, looking at Matteo with her beautiful, helpless cyes

Matteo’s jaw tightened, a wave of anger surging toward Tomas. Why had he tricked her into meeting hirp alone? If it was just business, he could have requested a formal meeting. Something didn’t add up. and Matteo couldn’t hold back his concern

Why did he approach you in such a deceitful way? What does he want?he asked, his voice laced with suspicion

It’sEmily raked a hand through her long, wavy curls, it’s a long story.” 

Okay! We have the whole night,Matteo nodded. Let’s go somewhere cozy, he suggested, taking Emily’s hand and leading her toward the hotel exit

Wait, what about your date?Emily squeaked, her confusion evident

Matteo, as if suddenly remembering his date, glanced around and shrugged. “I don’t know.Without another word, he continued guiding Emily out of the hotel, still holding her hand

He helped her into the passenger seat of his car, then settled into the driver’s seat and drove down a familiar road. So, tell me nowwhat’s the story?Matteo asked as the car sped through the evening 


Emily took a deep breath. I was in college, studying law, when I met Tomas at a common friend’s house party. He was trying to get into medical school. It was love at first sight,she began, her voice soft as she recalled the past. We began dating and moved in together shortly after, and when I found out he was struggling to pay his tuition, I dropped out of my studies and took on multiple jobs to help him. Even my dad agreed to release my trust fund early so I could help Tomas get into the college he wanted.” 

She exhaled loudly, gazing out of the window, lost in the painful memories of her past. He finished his course, then had his internship, and we got married that same year. After his internship, he became a resident doctor, and not long after, 1 found out I was pregnant. I was over the moon that day,she whispered, her voice cracking with emotion. Matteo tore his gaze from the road for a moment to glance at her, sensing the weight of her words

And then?he asked gently, his tone encouraging, but dreading what was to come

When I told Tomas I was pregnant, he was so happy to hear the good news. Everything felt so perfect1 had the life I wanted, building a family with the man I loved,Emily’s voice trembled as tears welled up in her eyes. Until one dayI went to see him at the hospital and found himfucking a colleague in his office.” She gasped, the tears she had been holding back finally spilling over. I was heartbroken, completely shattered. I had been so foolishly blind, so in love that I never noticed the signs he was cheating. When I confrontedlum, he beat meso brutally that I had a miscarriage and lost the baby,Her voice broke as she finished the sentence, the pain of the memory etched in every word

Matteo’s grip on the steering wheel tightened, his knuckles turning white with barely controlled rage. Emily sobbed quietly, wiping her eyes as she continued. The doctors told me my uterus was so damaged 


08:40 Mon, Oct 7 B. 


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