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Let Me Go, My Mafia Husband (Aria and Alessandro) novel Chapter 184

Chapter 184 Exhusband 


Matteo sensed the distress radiating from Emily, her body trembling with fear, a reaction that didn’t escape his notice

But don’t worry,” Matteo declared firmly, he can’t do anything to you as long as I’m alive” 

He Emily gasped, her eyes widening in horror as the calization hit. You mean it’s the trailed off 

My gut tells me it’s Tomas Matteo confirmed with a slow nod. But I’ll have a name in a few minutes. The attackers are being interrogated as speak, he assure 

Thank you for your help.” Emily murmured, feeling overwhelped by the care she was receiving from a man for the first timewithout expecting anything in return

Matteo gently tucked a loose strand of her caramelbrown hair behind her ear, his voice soft as he said, “T do anything for you, ange 

Emily blushed, suddenly aware that she was still wrapped in his embrace. He hadn’t let go, as if holding her was second nature to him. She began to wriggle, trying to free herself, but when he didn’t hnmediately release her, she narrowed her eyes at him. Matteo chuckled lowly before finally letting her 

Pack some of your clothes,he said, his tone firm. You’re moving in with me.” 

Emily gaped at him in shock. What?!she sputtered, furrowing her brow. You can’t be serious, are 

e you

Do I look like I’m joking?Matteo sighed calmly. I’m very serious, and I can’t leave you here alone, knowing your exhusband is after your life,he added, his tone grave

What did you do to him, woman, to make him so desperate?he asked, cocking his head with a hint of 


Emily met Matteo’s gaze confidently and said, I simply refused to bow down to his wrongdoings and stood up against his crimes, she declared with pride. Matteo felt a surge of admiration for the brave woman before him. She looked fragile, but her determination was as solid as a rock

But moving in with you is too much. You’re my attorney, not myEmily trailed off, biting her lip as she stopped herself from finishing the sentence

Keeping you safe is part of my job, Miss Yang. After all, my client has to be alive for me to get paid.Matteo reasoned with a casual shrug

Payment? II thought you saidEmily stammered awkwardly, recalling that Matteo had mentioned he wouldn’t take any payment. She had been silently worrying about how she could ever afford such an 

expensive attorney

But Manteo held up both hands, cutting her off before she could worry further. Did you forget? You owe me a date, and that will be my payment.” 

Emily huffed out a small giggle. You scared me for a second. I was starting to think about how I could come up with the money to afford a successful attorney like you, Mr. Vinci,she added the last sentence in a slightly teasing tone, and Matteo seemed to enjoy it

You never have to worry about money, cherie,Matteo said, his tone turning serious as if stating a matter 


08:06 Tue, Oct 8

Chapter 184 Exhusband 


This time, Emily didn’t resist. After today’s attack, the thought of being alone at home terrified her. Still, she hesitated for a moment before heading to her room, feeling conflicted but knowing she had little choice

Matteo watched her walk toward her room, his jacket still draped over her shoulders. His eyes lingered on her until she disappeared inside and closed the door. Just then, his phone rang. It was the police, who had taken the attackers into custody after his men handed them over

As a worldrenowned and highly successful attorney, Matteo had deep connections within the police departmentone of the reasons he was Alessandro’s lawyer, always keeping him informed of the authoritiesevery move. Matteo wasn’t a saint; his job often required him to navigate through dark, questionable methods to get the desired results

He swiped to answer the call on his phone and held it to his ear 

What did you find?he asked bluntly, then fell silent, listening intently to the response on the other end

Thanks,” Matteo muttered before disconnecting the call

His face suddenly darkened, and his jaw clenched as his suspicions were confirmed: the mastermind. behind the attack was indeed Tomas. After some intense interrogation, the attackers had finally broken down and revealed everything


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