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Let Me Go, My Mafia Husband (Aria and Alessandro) novel Chapter 187

Chapter 187 Overwhelming 

Mrs. Valentino, the doctor is ready to see you,the nurse informed Mia with a polite smile


Mia glanced at Alessandro, noticing the way his lips curled into a satisfied smile. It was clear he had made this appointment a priority, likely using his influence to ensure it was arranged promptly and given special 


With a soft sigh, Mia returned the nurse’s smile and started to rise, but Alessandro stood up first, extending his hand toward her

Here,he said gently

  1. up

Mia placed her hand in her husband’s, feeling the warmth of his strong grip as he carefully helped her Although it was only her third month of pregnancy, Alessandro was treating her with extreme caution, as if she were fragile. It was endearing, though part of her thought he might be overdoing it. Still, she secretly enjoyed the extra attention

Gia and Maximo had come along with them to the clinic, and as Mia turned to her children, she spoke firmly but warmly

Gia, Maximo, stay here and don’t wander off, okay? We’ll be back soon.” 

Okay, Mom!they chimed in unison, their bright voices bringing a smile to Mia’s face. She exchanged a look with Alessandro, both relieved as they left the kids in the waiting area under the watchful eyes of their bodyguards

Inside the doctor’s office, the physician greeted them with a welcoming smile. Mrs. Valentino, how are you feeling today?” 

I’m doing fine, thank you,” Mia replied with a small smile

Good. Let’s take a look and check on things,” the doctor said, gesturing for Mia to follow her to the examination area. As Alessandro moved to go with her, the doctor politely added, Mr. Valentino, please wait here.” 

Alessandro hesitated, clearly wanting to stay by Mia’s side. His expressioni tightened, a flicker of annoyance crossing his face, but he reluctantly sat down, his eyes fixed on the doctor as she led Mia away

Mia lay down on the examination bed, her heart racing slightly. The doctor began the routine checkup moving the ultrasound wand over her abdomen. Moments later, the rhythmic sound of the baby’s heartbeat filled the room

Everything looks good,the doctor said reassuringly as Mia listened to the tiny heartbeat echo through the machine. The sound overwhelmed her with emotion, and tears pricked her eyes

Doctoris it twins again this time?Mia asked nervously, her voice barely above a whisper. The thought of handling two more babies at once, on top of Gia and Maximo, terrified her. Raising twins had been a challenge, and she wasn’t sure how she would manage four children, all so close in age

The doctor paused for a moment, reviewing the scan. It’s still early, but there is a chance,she replied gently

Mia’s heart skipped a beat. The idea of having more childrenAlessandro’s children, their flesh and blood 


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08:06 Tue, Oct

Chapter 187 Overwhelming 

love them with everything she had



No, it’s just one fetus this time, the doctor assured her Look here.She pointed to the screen, and Mia’s eyes focused on a tiny dother baby. Overwhelmed with emotion, Mia covered her mouth, tears of joy welling up

Doctor, could you please call my husband? He would love to see our baby on the ultrasound,” Mia requested softly

Of course, the doctor nodded with a smile before calling out, Mr. Valentino, you can come in now.” 

Alessandro’s hurried footsteps echoed down the hall, and moments later, he appeared, sliding the curtain aside and stepping into the room

Is everything alright?His face was tense, brows furrowed in worry, his concern for Mia and their baby evident

Everything is fine, Mr. Valentino,” the doctor reassured him. Come over and see your baby on the screen.” 

Alessandro’s eyes shifted to Mia, and she smiled, gently beckoning him to join her at her side

Here, this is your baby,the doctor said, pointing to a spot on the screen. Alessandro squinted, trying to make sense of the image. When he finally saw it, his expression softened into awe, completely captivated by the tiny life growing inside his wife

He took Mia’s hand and kissed it firmly, his emotions raw

I can’t believe it,his voice trembled, thick with emotion as he sighed, trying to steady himself. It’s so smalland it’s inside you, baby,” he said, gazing at Mia as if she were some divine being. Thank you for making me the happiest man alive.” 

In the heat of the moment, Alessandro forgot they weren’t alone. Overwhelmed, he leaned in and kissed Mia, not caring that the doctor was still there. The doctor cleared her throat, making them both pause

This is still my clinic,” she said with a serious expression. You can celebrate when you get home.Then, her tone turned more serious. However, Mr. Valentino, you need to be gentle and cautious when it comes to sex during the first trimester 

Mia’s checks flushed a deep red. Alessandro’s open affection and his barely filtered possessiveness were undeniable, and his impatience to express his feelings in front of others only made it more obvious


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