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Let Me Go, My Mafia Husband (Aria and Alessandro) novel Chapter 198

Let Me Go, My Mafia Husband 

Chapter 198 Final Verdict 


Emily was stunned to see Matteo arguing in court so flawlessly, exuding stunning confidence. She had been scared when he hadn’t appeared on time, but as soon as he arrived, he flipped the case, and everything fell in their favor

Everyone awaited the judge’s verdict, though they already knew what it would be after witnessing the entire trial

After reviewing the substantial evidence and hearing the testimonies presented by the prosecution,the judge began, his voice steady and authoritative, this court finds Tomas Bradford guilty of illegal organ trafficking and the unlawful taking of human life for profit. The evidence of his actions, including the accounts of the witnesses and the documents provided, leaves no room for reasonable doubt

It is the duty of this court to uphold the law and ensure that justice is served, not only for the victims but for society as a whole. Tomas Bradford, you are hereby sentenced to fifteen years in prison without the possibility of parole. This sentence reflects the seriousness of your crimes and serves as a reminder that those who exploit others for their own gain will face the full weight of the law

The court is adjourned.” 

As the judge’s gavel slammed down, the courtroom erupted into murmurs. Tomas Bradford sat pale with shock, clearly unprepared for the weight of the verdict. Karma, it seemed, had finally caught up with him

and now he would pay for all the pain and suffering he had inflicted, especially on Emily. His lawyer sat slumped in his seat, defeated, knowing there was no way to escape the ironclad case Matteo had built

Matteo, composed and dignified, watched as Tomas was led away by the guards. His intense falter, showing no trace of sympathy for the man who had caused so much harımı

waze didn’t gaze 

Emily’s heart pounded as she watched Matteo walk toward her, his charming smile softening his otherwise serious demeanor. The tension in the courtroom seemed to dissolve as their eyes met

Congratulations, Miss Yang.Matteo said softly, his voice carrying warmth and triumph

Thank you, Mr. Vinci,Emily murmured, her tone filled with genuine gratitude. She felt a surge of relief wash over her as the nightmare Tomas had caused finally came to an end

Matteo nodded, still smiling, but then his expression shifted, a playful glint flashing in his eyes. By the way,he added, his voice dropping just slightly, I’m still waiting for my payment. His mischievous tone caught Emily off guard, and her cheeks flushed a delicate shade of pink

Oh, the date! She recalled their deal

I know. Whenever you want it, Emily whispered softly, her voice barely audible above the fading 

courtroom murmurs

A satisfied smile stretched across Matteo’s lips as he held out his hand. Let’s get out of here first.” 

Emily nodded silently and placed her hand in his. Matteo’s large fingers gently closed around her smaller hand, a comforting warmth that steadied her nerves. He led her out of the courtroom with quiet confidence

Outside, a swarm of reporters awaited them, shouting questions and snapping photos. The sudden chaos overwhelmed Emily, and she instinctively shrank back, Sensing Emily’s discomfort, Matteo ignored the medin entirely. He shielded her with his sem nulling her close to hiny hiding her from the blinding 


Chapter 198 Final Verdict 

flashes. His bodyguards moved into position, forming barrier to keep the reporters at bay


I’ve got you,Matteo murmured softly into her ear, his voice calm and reassuring as he guided her toward his sleek black car, which waited at the curb. The driver opened the door swiftly, and Matteo helped her inside, following closely behind. His bodyguards kept the reporters at a distance as the door shut behind them, sealing them in a quiet, private space away from the madness outside

The car sped up, and Emily glanced back through the tinted window, watching the crowd of reporters fade into the distance. She sighed in relief, grateful to be away from the chaos, when suddenly, her phone rang She pulled it out of her purse and saw Adam’s name flash on the screen

Emily?Adam’s voice came through the line as soon as she answered. How are you?” 

I’m fine. Adam,” she replied softly


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