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Let Me Go, My Mafia Husband (Aria and Alessandro) novel Chapter 211


Let Me Go, My Mafia Husband 

Chapter 211 The Powerful Man 


Emily’s eyes fluttered open, blinking up at the handsome face above her. She tried to stand upright, but her legs gave way as a fresh wave of dizziness crashed over her, causing her knees to buckle beneath her

Yet, the strong, steady grip of the muscular arms wrapped around her never wavered, keeping her safe in their protective hold

As Emily collided with Matteo Vinci’s chest, the bodyguard walking beside him hurriedly reached out to grab her, attempting to push her away from his boss. But Matteo raised his hand, stopping him immediately. There was no way he wanted this woman anywhere else but in his arms

At this unexpected encounter couldn’t believe that the woman 

was caught off guard, shock and surprise flooding his senses. He 

aad haunted his dreamsand even his waking momentswas now 

in his arms. Ever since their last encounter, their bitter parting, she had taken up residence in his mind, filling his thoughts and fantasies with no escape. And now, fate had brought her crashing back into his life

He couldn’t tear his gaze away from her flushed face, her delicate features still beautiful despite the stress that marred her expression. She looked fragile, yet there was something in her that stirred a deep sense of urgency within him

Emily!A man’s voice broke the moment as another figure approached, reaching out and grabbing Emily’s arm. 

HelpEmily’s faint whisper escaped her lips as she gazed up at Matteo, her eyes halfclosed before her body went limp, collapsing against his chest

I’m sorry, my girlfriend’s drunk and she accidentally collided with you,the man said, flashing a confident smile. But Matteo’s sharp, skeptical mind wasn’t convinced.. 

Who are you?Matteo asked, narrowing his eyes at the handsome man before him, who looked wealthy and wellbred

My name is Park Jaemin, and this is my girlfriend, Emily Yang.” Jaemin explained smoothly. We were on a date, but she got upset and drank too much. Don’t worry, I know how to handle my girlfriend,he added, reaching out to pull Emily away from Matteo

But the moment another man’s hand touched the delicate woman in his arms, Matteo saw red

Don’t fucking touch her,Matteo bellowed, his voice thunderous

Excuse me?!Park Jaemin was startled by Matteo’s outburst. She’s my girlfriend, and you don’t touch her, mister,he retorted, gritting his teeth in frustration 

Girlfriend?Matteo growled in a low, threatening tone. I don’t give a damn about that. She’s leaving with me. Disappear before I lose my shit,” he warned, his eyes flashing dangerously

Listen, mister, Jaemin shot back, his voice tight with defiance. I’ll call the police if you try to take her away

Matteo smirked wickedly. You can try,he said coldly. But I’d love to see who’s brave enough to challenge Matteo Vinci” 

Jaemin’s eyes widened in shock. Of course, who hadn’heard of Matico Vincithe ruthless attorney with 

an undafantad and in th 


Chapter 211 The Powerful Man 

MMatteo Vinci, Jacmin stammered, staring at the ruthless attorney with wide eyes

Matteo smirked, gazing down at the man before him with an intimidating glare



Get lostand never let me see you near her again,” Matteo warned, his tone calm but laced with deadly intent. His eyes left no doubt about the seriousness of his threat

Jacmin didn’t need the attorney to repeat himself. Without urgency, he turned on his heel and sprinted away as if death itself was chasing him

Matteo let out a frustrated breath, trying to calm the simmering anger within him. He then shifted his attention back to the woman in his arms. Emily was moaning softly, her voice barely audible, as she struggled to open her eyes. She rubbed her against Matteo’s chest, clearly uncomfortable from whatever drugs had been forced on her

I want all the details on that man,Matteo said, glancing over his shoulder at the bodyguard standing behind him

Roger that, sir,the bodyguard replied swiftly

Matteo looked down at Emily, who clung to him as if her life depended on it. A strange sensation stirred in his chest, something he hadn’t felt in a long time. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but he couldn’t even ignore it

Andtell the manager I’m staying in my private suite. Have someone open it and arrange for the night,he ordered


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