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Let Me Go, My Mafia Husband (Aria and Alessandro) novel Chapter 22

Chapter 22 Alessandro Again 

Mia took a slow sip of her drink, savoring the taste. I’m working on your apartment, and it will be finished soon,she told Lord Alexander, her eyes twinkling with confidence

Lord Alexander swirled the ice in his scotch glass lazily, his gaze fixed on the amber liquid. Take your time, Mia. I’m in no hurry,he replied, his voice calm and unhurried

My reputation is to deliver projects on time, Alexander,” Mia said, smiling

Lord Alexander chuckled, nodding. You are very hardworking and talented, Mia, I must admit

That’s why you want me to design your home, Alexander,Mia shrugged, feeling at ease

Talking with the Duke felt as natural as chatting with family. She had known him for always, it seemed. Lord Alexander felt the same. It was this connection that made him different with her, softening his usual cold and serious demeanor. It made others wonder if this truly was the same ruthless Lord Alexander Montecarlo they knew

Suddenly, Lord Alexander’s phone began ringing, and he took a look at the caller ID

Excuse me, ladies,he said, getting up and finishing his drink in one large gulp. “I have to leave. But you enjoy the evening and feel free to call me if you need anything.” 

Thank you

Lord Alexander,Emily said, bowing slightly and smiling as she curtseyed

You’re more than welcome, Miss Yang.Lord Alexander nodded. Turning to Mia, he added, See you laterHe paused, his observing eyes fixed on Mia’s face before he continued


Sure!Mia replied, getting up to her feet and waiting for Lord Alexander to turn and leave. As soon as the Duke was out of sight, Emily and Mia both slumped onto the sofa and let out a breath of relief

God, Lord Alexander has such an intimidating aura. I couldn’t enjoy my drink the whole time he was here,Emily admitted with a loud exhale, finishing her drink and motioning to the waitress for another one

No!Mia protested, narrowing her eyes. He is not that intimidating. I found him very cool.” 

Oh, oh! Ma’am! Do you like him?Emily bumped Mia’s shoulder with hers, a mischievous. grin spreading across her face. Should I tell Adam to be ready for more competition from the Duke of Monaco?” 

Shut up!Mia shook her head, giggling. I don’t feel at 

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Chapter 22 Alessandro Again 

Mia?!Emily leaned closer, peering into Mia’s eyes as if trying to read her thoughts

Yes, Emily?Mia squinted, staring back at her


You’re drunk!Emily declared, cocking her head to the side, making Mia huff out a laugh

Then let’s go home,Mia suggested, making Emily wince in protest

cruel and doesn’t let us rest, not eve 

Not so soon. My boss is very herself, so tonight is all- get until my boss demands me to work my ass off until I pass out,Emily ranted in one breath, making Mia snicker. Of course, she was Emily’s boss

Before Mia could respond, Emily grabbed her hand and dragged her to the dance floor. Both women danced their hearts out and enjoyed their evening. After a while, when both were drenched in sweat and tired, they decided to call it a night and return home


God, Emily, we are drunk and can’t drive, and no cabs are available at this time,groaned as yet another cab booking was canceled and no availability showed up on Uber

Why don’t you call Lord Alexander? I’m sure he would be happy to help,Emily winked impishly

No, he is our prestigious client, and we already owe him favors. I can’t bother him at this hour of the night,Mia shook her head as they started to march out onto the almost deserted. road, in search of a taxi

guess we have to walk home tonight then,Emily pouted sullenly. Because my boss has high moral values.” 

If we are lucky we will get a ride,Mia mumbled again checking the app on her phone in the hope of getting a taxi available

But before they could find a taxi, four SUVs appeared out of nowhere and surrounded them, blocking their way. Sensing something was wrong, Mia grabbed Emily’s hand and pulled her behind her

Menacing men dressed all in black stepped out of the cars. It felt like déjà vu, a chilling reminder of six years ago when Alessandro had sent his goons to kill Aria

Get out of our way and let us go!Mia shouted, trying to push past them. One of the goons shoved her back and barked, Mia Peterson, you have to come with us.” 

You dare give me orders, you asshole!Mia yelled, hoping someone would hear and come to help

Shouting is useless; no one’s coming to save you, Mia Peterson,one of the goons sneered. 

What do you want?Mia demanded, glaring at them




Chapter 22 Alessandro Again 

Your death!the goon laughed menacingly


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