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Let Me Go, My Mafia Husband (Aria and Alessandro) novel Chapter 223

Chapter 223 Irresistibly Charming 

Where is your boss? Why hasn’t she come yet?” 

As Emily entered Matteo’s law firm, she heard him yelling, and the anger was evident in his voice


45 Pearls 

Nervously biting her lip, she quickened her pace toward his office. She found her staff standing with their heads lowered, including Carl, while Matteo radiated raw anger around him

Mr. Vinci,she called softly, her voice slicing through the tension in the room. Matteo turned his head sharply toward her, and his heart skipped a beat as he took in the sight of the beautiful woman striding confidently in his direction. In that moment, everything else faded away; nothing existed but her

Her blue eyes sparkled with something that took his breath away, catching in his throat. Silky, soft caramel brown curls danced in the air, framing her face and giving her a dreamlike allure, even in a formal sky- blue dress. The scarf around her neck added an extra touch of elegance, accentuating her grace. In that instant, she was the most stunning woman in the entire universe

All his anger dissipated, replaced by a pleasant sense of joy. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the only face that felt like the center of his universe

What’s wrong?Emily asked hesitantly, glancing around to inspect the work before looking at her staff for any hints. Did my team disappoint you?she inquired in a professional tone as she stopped before him 

Matteo took a sharp breath, calming his racing heart and suppressing the excitement that threatened to show on his face. Still, he couldn’t help but admit, Everything is fine now that you’re finally here, ma douce.” 

Emily wanted to roll her eyes at the playboy attorney’s flirting, but she knew it would be rude. She didn’t want to worsen the situation, especially since he had been upset just moments ago

Tell me, Mr. Vinci, why did you want to see me?she asked, signaling her staff to leave them alone and return to their work. Now that she was here, she was more than capable of handling the situation and protecting her team

It’s Matteo to you, mon amour,he murmured in his most charming voice

Emily forced a smile, feeling upset that he had scolded her staff just a minute ago, only to turn around and flirt with her. I see your newfound interest in French still lingers,she commented sarcastically

I find it even sweeter when it’s meant for you,he replied huskily, giving her a mischievous wink

Emily sighed, shaking her head. Mr. Vinci-” 

Matteo,he cut in

Alright, Matteo, may I ask what made you so upset that you halted my staff from working on redesigning your office?she asked, crossing her arms across her chest

Matteo casually slipped his hands into his pockets, standing before her as he unabashedly checked her out. Emily narrowed her eyes in the challenge, but Matteo didn’t seem to mind, his gaze lingering on her

You said you would personally oversee the renovation work, but I haven’t seen you in my office even once,he complained, a smirk playing on his lips. He couldn’t manage to stay angry with her, not even 


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Chapter 223 resistibly Charming 

+5 Pearls 

I was overseeing everything from my office, and my staff was keeping me updated. All designs wet approved after your confirmation and my approval,” she explained, extending her hands in an explanatory 


Okay! But I need you here to watch over and make sure everything is perfect and beautiful.His voice softened as his eyes wandered over Emily’s lovely features, completing the thought in his head; as you 


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