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Let Me Go, My Mafia Husband (Aria and Alessandro) novel Chapter 226

Chapter 226 Emotional Blackmailing 


+5 Pearls 

Mother, you can’t force me into this!Matteo protested, slamming the file shut in anger, his eyes burning with frustration

Forcing you? Really?His mother scoffed, her face twisting with irritation. You owe us, Matteo Vinci! We gave you life, raised you, made you the man you are todayand now, you have the audacity to argue with me?Her voice dripped with cold menace as she glared at him

This emotional manipulation won’t work on me this time,Matteo shot back, his tone firm, though a flicker of hesitation crossed his face

His mother’s eyes narrowed, her gaze hardening. She shook her head in warning. Matteo, get this straight: you will marry Lia. This marriage is essential for forming an alliance with the Vassallo family. Your father’s company needs their investment, and you can at least do this for us.” Her voice was heavy with authority, making it clear her decision was final

Matteo huffed in frustration, his jaw tightening as he shifted his gaze to Lia. She was smirking, a smug look of confidence plastered on her face, which only fueled the fire inside him. But what could he do? His family was pushing him into this marriage, blackmailing him with every card they had

He was ready to compromiseafter all, this marriage was nothing more than an alliance to him, a business transaction. But suddenly something about it didn’t sit right anymore. What had once seemed like a simple, cold agreement now felt different. He didn’t feel as sure as he had before, something was holding him back, gnawing at him from within. But what

He needed to find that answer. Every time he tried to focus and make sense of it, only one thing came to mind: Emily. Her face flashed in his thoughts, leaving him even more confused. She wasn’t interested in him, had made that clear. She didn’t want anything to do with him

So why couldn’t he stop thinking about her? Why did her presence linger in his mind, unsettling him in ways he couldn’t explain

God, was he really losing his mind? Or was he just becoming delusional? One thing was certain: he needed to get over Emily. And there was only one way he thought could do thatsleep with her and get her out of his system once and for all

Mrs. Vinci, do be so harsh on Matt. He’s stressed, and we shouldn’t pressure him too much,” Lia’s sugary voice cut through his daydream, pulling him back to realityaway from the fantasy of a woman he knew was untouchable

I’m sorry, Matt. You’re stuck in this situation because of me,Lia continued, her tone dripping with false sweetness. But I promise, after we’re married, I’ll be a good wife. I’ll take away all your worries. My father has considerable wealth, and he’s more than willing to fund your overseas expansion,she added, beaming with pride

Matteo forced a smile, fully aware that her sugary words were nothing more than part of her act. Her sweetness was as fake as her concern, and he saw through it all. He didn’t need Lia’s father’s moneyhe had earned his success through hard work and had enough money to expand his law firm all over the world

In fact, it was her father who needed him now. The name Matteo Vinci, worldrenowned attorney, would boost the value of her father’s company and help cover up the shady dealings that had taken place within the businessif Lia married him


11:13 Tue, Oct 22

Chapter 226 Emotional Blackmailing 


+5 Pearls 

You’re right, my dear,Matteo’s mother said, gently touching Lia’s hand with affection, and she turned her gaze to Matteo, her voice softening. Continue with your work, Matt, and don’t mind me being stern with you. But, son, understand thisyou’re my only hope. I’ve endured so much, and now all I want is to spend my old age in peace.” 

She was using her emotional trump card again, fully aware of how sentimental Matteo was when it came to family. No matter how tough or indifferent he tried to appear, he always jumped to help them the moment they asked

And just look at Lia,his mother added with a soft smile, as Lia blushed shyly. Matteo rolled his eyes in frustration, but his mother didn’t stop. She pressed on, her voice dripping with admiration. She’s such a lovely girl, and she truly cares about you. You both make a great couple.” 

Though his frustration grew with each passing second, Matteo sighed quietly and leaned back in his chair. Mother, if you don’t have anything else to say, can I please get back to my work?he replied, his tone indifferent

His mother only smiled, knowing she had won and Matteo had silently agreed to her demands

Alright, alright, son. Come home soon. I’ll make dinnerall your favorite dishes,” she chimed, as if she knew what his favorite food even was, let alone how to cook it. No, she didn’t

Matteo wanted to retort so badly, but he held his tongue, unwilling to drag out the conversation and waste any more time. He had more important things to focus on


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