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Let Me Go, My Mafia Husband (Aria and Alessandro) novel Chapter 40

Chapter 40 You Belong To Me 

Mia emerged after a hot shower, clad in a red silk nightic. As she stepped out, she found Alessandro lying on his back, his left arm draped over his closed eyes

His right shoulder still bore a bandage, which seemed on the verge of coming loose due to the bleeding inside. Mia sighed helplessly, gazing at this stubborn man. Did he truly not care. about his health? What about the pain he must be enduring? Despite being sick and not feeling well, he had made passionate love to her in the car, never once letting on that his shoulder carried a deep, unhealed wound

She walked over to the intercom and called room service for a medical kit. His fever could also return during the night, so she also requested medicine and a thermometer

Though she talked in a hushed voice, Alessandro’s sleep seemed to be disturbed. He opened his eyes 

with a frown on his handsome face, his head turning towards the source of the disturbance

He was stunned to see a sexy lady standing there, talking on the phone. His eyes were blinded by her sparkling beauty; she appeared freshly showered, with all traces of makeup removed from her face, revealing her porcelain skin. She looked like an angel, pure beauty, her blonde hair still wet, which made him furrow his brow

He slowly got up, wincing slightly as his wounded shoulder pained him, but he ignored hist discomfort. Quietly, he went to the dresser to pick up the hairdryer and plugged it in near. Mia. Mia was startled by the sudden appearance behind her and quickly turned to find Alessandro holding the hairdryer in his hand

Why haven’t you dried your hair?he scolded softly, pressing the button on the hair dryer and blowing warm air as his other hand gently entangled his fingers in her hair. He ruffled her hair while continuing to dry it

Mr. Valentino, I can do it myself,Mia tried to pull away, but he groaned in irritation

Stay still!he commanded, focused on drying her hair. And it’s Alessandro to you, Mia! Do you want to fall sick, huh? Or are you seeking revenge by making me look after you just because you have to take care of me?he accused, leaving Mia dumbfounded

I didn’t do it intentionally, and don’t worry, I won’t fall sick so easily. But you need to rest; you’re not feeling well, and your shoulderShe remembered he shouldn’t strain it.. 

Oh my God, let it be, Alessandro,she rebuked, snatching the hair dryer and gently taking his right arm in her hands. Her anxious eyes observed the wornout bandage. It looks bad,” she murmured in dismay

I’m fine, Alessandro muttered carelessly

No, you’re not,Mia snapped, glaring at him. Don’t pretend you’re made of stone.” 


Chapter 40 You Belong To Me 


Alessandro’s eyes softened, his thin lips parting slightly in surprise. No one had ever shouted at him like this before, and this woman scolding him so daringly was more amusing than annoying

Then there was a knock on the door that drew Mia’s attention. She left Alessandro, placing the hairdryer on a nearby sofa, and opened the door. It was room service delivering medicine and a medical kit. She took the items and thanked the man who delivered them

Closing the door, she walked toward Alessandro, who still stood in the same place, his eyes- fixed on her intently

Sit there,” she ordered, nodding toward the bed

But Alessandro didn’t move. Rolling her eyes, Mia grabbed his hand and led him to the bed. This time, Alessandro didn’t resist and let her move him wherever she wanted

You are so stubborn. Look at this,she hissed as she removed the old bandage, wincing as if she felt the pain herself

Her concerned eyes examined his shoulder as she tenderly tended to it. Taking disinfectant, she cleaned the wound and applied a fresh dressing

You are so careless about your wound. Now don’t move your right shoulder,she commanded in an annoyed tone. Are you listening to me or not?Her gaze snapped to the mafia king when he remained silent

She sucked in a breath, finding him looking at her so attentively. She felt her cheeks heat up under his intense gaze and began to get up instantly

But Alessandro was quick enough to grab her wrist, stopping her from moving away

You care so much about me?” It wasn’t actually a question but a statement. All her actions. and expressions made it very clear that it bothered her to see him in pain

II only worried because you’re in this trouble because of me,” she stuttered nervously as Alessandro moved closer

His warm breath fanned behind her ear as he whispered in his deep, husky voice, You packed this sexy nightie to seduce someone?!” 

No!she gasped promptly. It had never crossed her mind when she packed it; she just wanted to be comfortable at night after a long party


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