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Let Me Go, My Mafia Husband (Aria and Alessandro) novel Chapter 63

Chapter 63 A Doting Father 

+5 Pearls 

Ma’am. Mr. Valentino was last seen with the interior designer, Mia Peterson, and he hasn’t returned home yet, the informant reported to Vanessa, causing her to grit her teeth in frustration

You should have kept an eye on him. Find out where he is,Vanessa ordered sharply

Ma’am, you’re going to get me killed. I barely avoided being caught by Mr. Valentino’s bodyguard. Sorry, but I can’t do this for you anymore,” the informant replied before abruptly disconnecting the call. He valued his life far more than money. After realizing he was crossing paths with the most dangerous marrin the world, he decided to drop the job immediately

That fucking bitch!Vanessa bellowed, clenching her phone tightly in her hand. What does she think of herself? Just because she resembles Alessandro’s late wife, she thinks she can win him over? No. I am his first love, and I will make him love me again,she vowell, a sinister smile curling across her face

The next morning. Alessandro stirred, groaning and squinting as the sunlight fell on his face, disturbing his sleep. Suddenly, his senses were enveloped by a sweet, familiar scent, and the sensation of a soft, small body pressed against his hard chest brought him back to reality

His head lowered to gaze at the beautiful woman in his arms, and his breath caught in his throat, mesmerized by the sight of the love of his life

His morning couldn’t be more perfect than this

Alessandro couldn’t help but stare at her lovingly for a few minutes. Mia whimpered softly in her sleep, pressing her face closer to his chest. They were both still naked, their legs entangled, a vivid reminder of their passionate night

If this was the reward for one challenge, he would make sure to win every single one, just to have her in his arms every night. He vowed silently in his heart

He slowly brushed the soft, silky blonde hair away from her dolllike face and noticed the red purplish marks in three places on her neck, another one was under her jawline and two were also on her shoulder blade

Fuck! He was unable to get enough of the sight of his love bites on Mia’s flawless skin. He felt like an alpha. claiming his territory

Perhaps she didn’t know it or didn’t want to admit it, but she was hisonly hisand he was determined to make the whole world know it this time

A sharp pang arose in his heart as he realized what a fool he had been for years, not cherishing these beautiful mornings while he had every opportunity to gaze at her like this uninterrupted. He had wasted so many beautiful mornings being extremely drunk from the previous night 

missing out on these precious moments with the only woman who made his heart feel alive. He was so selfabsorbed that he didn’t understand what he was losing until the day she left him

His heart filled with pain and anger at himself. Sometimes he thought he deserved this pain and suffering. but finding love again and seeing there was still a chance to live with her made him greedy enough to fight for the woman he had loved his entire life

Suddenly his rhona herran vibrating and he mick bhed it from the bedside table. It was his right



Chapter 63 A Doting Father 

+5 Pearls 

hand man, Lucas. Pressing a tender kiss on Mia’s forehend, he slowly untangled himself from her embrace, though every fiber of his being wanted to stay in bed holding her all day. He carefully switched off her alarm, put on his clothes from the night before, and silently slid out of the room to talk to Lucas so he wouldn’t disturb Mia’s sleep

With one last look at Mia, he silently left the room, closing the door behind him as he stepped into the corridor

As soon as he was in the hallway, Alessandro answered the call

What is it?he snapped, his voice a sharp contrast to the tenderness he’d just shown

Boss, the arms consignment has arrived, and Mr. Johnson wants you to personally collect it,” Lucas informed him, his tone professional but laced with urgency

Alessandro rubbed his forehead, feeling the weight of responsibility pressing down on him. He let out a sigh, his patience wearing thin

Tell him I’m busy and can’t come. If he wants to do business with us, he has to follow my rules,Alessandro dictated, his voice cold and resolute

Lucas hesitated for a moment before speaking again. But Boss, if we cancel this, we’ll be short on arms. We lost a significant amount in the last gang war.” 

Alessandro’s expression hardened, his jaw clenching

I don’t care, Lucas. I am Alessandro Valentino. Those dealers don’t dictate terms to me. It’s either my way or no way,” he declared, his voice like steel and without waiting for a response, Alessandro ended the call

In the mafia world, Alessandro Valentino was the king who ruled not just with power, but with unwavering conviction. There was a time when he did everything for power and money, driven by ambition and a hunger for control. But now, he wanted to live for his love, and he was ready to sacrifice everything for Mia. The ruthless mafia king was willing to put even his empire on the line, all for the chance to be with the woman he loved

Alessandro glanced at the wall clock hanging in the room and realized it was almost time for the children to go to school. Alessandro walked down the hall to the kidsroom, pushing the door open gently. His heart warmed at the sight of the little angels sleeping so peacefully. He slid the curtain aside, allowing the morning sunlight to stream into the room, casting a warm glow over the sleeping faces of Gia and Maximo. He stood there for a moment, quietly absorbing the tranquil sight of those adorable children

Wake up, sleepyheads,he whispered, gently shaking them awake

Gia stirred first, her eyes fluttering open from the upper bunk of the bunk bed, Tollowed by Maximo, who stretched and yawned in the lower bunk

Good morning,Alessandro smiled warmly. Time to get ready for kindergarten.” 

Gia reached out with sleepy hands, indicating she wanted to be picked up. Alessandro smiled back and carefully lifted her into his arms, gently setting her down from the top bunk

As he gently set Gia on her feet, she refused to let go of him, tightening her hold on Alessandro’s neck

Daddy, I want to sleep more,she pouted, still keeping her eyes closed



Chapter 63 A Doting Father 

+5 Pearls 

But, princess, you’ll be late.Alessandro chuckled, kissing the top of her head. Gia groaned, shaking her 


His stubborn princess! He thought adoringly in his heart

Where’s Mom?Maximo asked as he threw off his covers and climbed out of bed

Let Mom sleep. We shouldn’t disturb her. She was very tired yesterday,Alessandro reasoned as he took Gia to the bathroom and helped her brush her teeth


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