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Let Me Go, My Mafia Husband (Aria and Alessandro) novel Chapter 79

Chapter 79 What A Woman Wants 

+5 Pearls 

It was late evening, and Alessandro was deep in a meeting at the mafia headquarters. The air was thick with tension. They had a lead on the traitor feeding information to the rival gang, but the informer’s tip was proving worthless

Alessandro’s patience wore thin. You come to me with this?he growled, his voice low and menacing. The informer stammered, trying to explain, but Alessandro’s glare silenced him

You’re wasting my time with these baseless rumors,Alessandro said coldly. Do you know what happerts to people who waste my time?” 

The informer paled, trembling under Alessandro’s gaze

If you ever come to me with useless information again Alessandro continued, his voice deadly calm. you’ll leave this room in a body bag. Now get out.” 

The informer fled, leaving Alessandro’s men in tense silence. Alessandro didn’t need to raise his voice to make his threat clear. His words were final, and everyone in the room knew he meant every word

Find the traitor,Alessandro ordered, his tone sharp and unforgiving. And when you do, bring them to me. Alive” 

There was no mistaking the promise of violence in his eyes. In Alessandro’s world, betrayal wasn’t just punishedit was annihilated

He quickly left the operations room and strode straight to the room where Matteo was waiting for him. Matteo had some pressing legal issues regarding Alessandro’s black money that could cause serious trouble and even expose his identity to the police if not handled in time. As soon as Alessandro entered. the room, he noticed Matteo watching the news

What’s going on?Alessandro asked carelessly

Nothing, just passing time with the news,Matteo replied casually

Alright, let’s get started,Alessandro said, pouring himself a glass of scotch. Matteo picked up a file to hand it to the mafia king, but before he could, the news changed, capturing both of their attention

Alessandro’s jaw clenched, and his expression darkened with a murderous glare as the news unfolded before him: Adam Whitmore was proposing to Mia, and she had accepted. Then they kissed

The sight of it sent a cold fury through him. His grip tightened on the glass in his hand until it shattered, the shards piercing his palm

Without a second thought, Alessandro hurled the bloodsoaked glass shards at the television screen. The violent crash echoed through the room as the screen exploded into a shower of sparks and shattered glass, punctuating the intensity of his rage. The room fell silent, the broken pieces of glass scattered around

Matteo watched in panic as blood dripped from Alessandro’s hand. Alessandro was fuming with anger, low growls escaping his mouth with every heavy breath and pant. His eyes blazed with a fury that seemed to consume anyone entirely

Suddenly, Alessandro strode over to the chest beside the broken television, his movements quick and determined. He yanked open the first drawer and grabbed the gu 

inside. Matteo’s heart leaped with 

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Chapter 79 What A Woman Wants 

understood all too well what was going on in his friend’s mind


+5 Pearls 

Alessandrol Alessandro!Matteo called out as his voice was thick with desperation. But Alessandro, blinded and deafened by rage, kept going. Matteo had no choice but to rush after him, grabbing Alessandro’s arm with a firm grip to stop him

Where are you going?he asked, worry etched across his face

Leave my hand, Matteo, I will kill that bastard. How dare he kiss my woman?!Alessandro roared, his voice a thunderous echo in the tense room

No, Alessandro, you can’t act recklessly in anger. Calm down, and then we will think about what we should do. Matteo tried to coax his friend, his tone soothing yet urgent

Alessandro’s eyes bore into Matteo’s, a storm of emotions raging within them. Matteo could feel the trembling intensity of Alessandro’s fury through the grip on his arm, but he held on, refusing to let his friend make a rash decision that could lead to disastrous consequences

No. I won’t calm down. How could she do this to me?Alessandro’s voice trembled with a mixture of anger and pain, his eyes reflecting the torment inside him

Exactly. You need to talk to her peacefully and sort it out. Anger and violence will not solve anything.Matteo advised, his voice steady and calm in contrast to Alessandro’s turmoil

No, I know how to sort this out. I should have killed that bastard the day I met him,Alessandro growled, gritting his teeth at the memory of his encounter with Adam at Mia’s home. Once he’s gone, no one will come between us,he declared coldly

Matteo rubbed his head in frustration but didn’t release Alessandro. He couldn’t trust the angry mafia king. and the madly in love version of him was even more dangerous

Alessandro, you’re making the same mistake again,Matteo reminded him, his voice urgent. Remember, you lost her once because of your ego. Now you’re risking losing her again, going to do something that can hurt her too. I’m warning you, if you lose her this time, you’ll never get her back,” Matteo cautioned, his words filled with concern

Then what should I do, Matteo?Alessandro huffed in a tone of defeat, his shoulders slumping in disappointment. The gun slipped from his hand, clattering to the floor with a deep sense of despair

She did it again. ThisAlessandro gestured toward the broken television, his voice breaking, made me realize I was never enough for her and I am still not enough. She accepted the marriage proposal of that bloody movie star?!His voice trembled with disbelief as if his heart refused to accept the truth. Is he more handsome and wealthier than me?! His forehead wrinkled with deep furrow as his eyes, wide with desperation, searched Matteo’s face for answers

You still don’t get it, my friend. She was not like those women who go for looks and wealth.Matteo smiled mockingly. However, his tone was tinged with a knowing sadness

Then what does she want?Alessandro bellowed in frustration, his outburst making Matteo flinch

But Matteo was well aware of his friend’s anger and impatient nature. Though he had never been in love, he could see the agony in Alessandro’s eyes. The Italian don was in paina very intense, consuming pain

You have to find out why she chose him over you,Matteo suggested sincerely. Talk to her, but speak to her only when you’re sober and not angry, Alessandro Matteo’s calm voice contrasted with the tension in 


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Chapter 79 What A Woman Wants 


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