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Let Me Go, My Mafia Husband (Aria and Alessandro) novel Chapter 8

Chapter 8 New Life As Mia 

+5 Ports 

When Aria’s flight was delayed in Paris due to the crash of the New Yorkbound flight, she made a lifechanging decision. She decided to stay in Paris and start anew, leaving behind her past and embracing the opportunity for a fresh start in the enchanting city

She believed it was her destiny, and settling in Paris with a new identity had proved to be a good decision

By selling her wedding ring, she secured enough money to support herself without working. Then she changed her name to Mia Peterson, and continued her studies in Paris. Eight months later, she gave birth to her twins: Gia and Maxiino

Now, it seemed everything had fallen into place. Her life as Mia Peterson was easier and more comfortable than she had ever imagined. She no longer needed a husband or any man in her life to add complications. Her small world included just her and her children, and that was enough

Standing outside the kindergarten, Mia gaze flicking eagerly from side to side as she waited for the familiar sight of her children. The anticipation built with each passing moment until, finally, the school bell rang, signaling the end of the day

With a flurry of activity, the doors burst open, and a stream of children poured out, their laughter and chatter filling the air. Mia’s heart skipped a beat as she spotted her twins among the crowd, their faces alight with excitement

Mommy!they chorused, their voices ringing out above the noise as they sprinted towards. her. Mia’s face broke into a radiant smile as she knelt down, arms outstretched, ready to envelop them in a warm hug

The twins, Gia and Maximo, crashed into her embrace, their small bodies pressed tightly against hers. Mia laughed, her heart swelling with love as she scooped them up, one in each. arm, reveling in the warmth of their embrace

How was your day at kindergarten?she asked, her voice soft and filled with affection as she settled them into their car seats, fastening their safety belts with practiced case

It was amazing, Mom!Gia exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Guess what? Today, I solved a math problem that even the third graders found difficult, and the teacher gave me a special star!she announced proudly, a triumphant grin spreading across her face

Mia’s heart swelled with pride at her daughter’s achievement. That’s fantastic, my little genius!she exclaimed, planting a kiss on Gia’s forehead

Meanwhile, Maximo beamed up at his mother, bursting with excitement. Arid Mom, I read a whole chapter book by myself and then explained the story to the class!he declared, hist eyes shining with pride


Chapter 8 New Life As Mia 

+5 Pearls 

Mia’s smile widened as she listened to her son’s tale, her heart overflowing with joy at her children’s extraordinary abilities. That’s incredible, buddy!she exclaimed, ruffling his hair affectionately

With her children settled in the backseat, Mia climbed into the driver’s seat, the engine. purring to life as she prepared to drive them home. As they pulled away from the kindergarten, Mia’s heart swelled with love for her remarkable twins, grateful for the joy and wonder they brought into her life every day

Her children were incredibly genius and looked so beautiful with blond hair and blue eyes like they belonged to some royal family. However, her son was a true copy of his father, while her daughter took after her. She couldn’t believe how quickly the years had passed and that her children had turned five just two months ago

When she left Alessandro, she had nothing but pain and tears. Six years later, She lived a happy life with her children, and she was known as the renowned interior designer Mia Peterson, a brand in herself. Everyone wanted her to design their homes, but even celebrities and the richest people in the world had to make an appointment

Her children had often asked about their father, and she had told them the truth that he didn’t love her or the children. The twins, mature beyond their years, had accepted this truth and stopped asking about their father, their feelings for him turning into disdain


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