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Let’s Rewrite Our Love Story, Ms Summer Frost novel Chapter 99

hy is she here though?She looked up at him and asked the same question once again, determined to know what was happening

SummerInstead, he looked at me with a smile on his face as he called my name. Ella’s nanny went on a long break, and since Lisa is not always in the house, I had to bring her over here to stay with us for a while. I’m sorry for not telling you about it earlier, it was kind of urgent,He apologised to me though he had no reason to. I mean, it’s his house, and it’s up to him what he wants to do with it, yeah

Us? Are you living together now?She looked traumatised like she just heard something she never should have, and her reaction made me chuckle briefly and silently

It’s nice to meet you again, Ella,” I finally walked over to her and crouched down to her size

I don’t like you,She told me honestly, her eyes didn’t fail to add to the sincerity

I know. For some reason, I don’t seem to like you eitherI paused and ruffled her hair briefly as I gave her a warm smile

Don’t touch my hair,” She frowned her face

But I think you’ll become my favourite soon, I hope we get along pretty well, and not just with me alone thoughI paused, and just then, I heard footsteps hopping down the staircase as my kids’s laughter filled the air

12:17 Mon, 1 JultiG

Chapter 03 

You are home, uncle Xander?Jack’s excited voice sounded behind me before he ran past me and went to hug Xander

I’ve missed you so much,He whined as he wrapped his arms around Xander’s neck once he was squatted down to his level

Uncle XanderCame Jake’s voice as he rushed to join them in the hug, and the sight was everything for me

Dad! What are they doing here?Ella’s shriek drew the kids attention, and I guess it was after they pulled away from Xander that they 

noticed she was in the house with us

EllaYou are here?Jack smiled as he went to stand in front of her, but she scoffed and rolled her eyes

Daddy! Why are they here?She looked at Xander angrily while demanding an answer to her question

First, it was this woman, and now the kids?She huffed


Don’t talk to mommy in that manner. You can’t just call her this woman, andWe are older than you, so stop referring to us as kids!Jake defensively went to stand in front of Jack angrily

And what are you going to do about it if I call you that? Beat me?She scoffed and rolled her eyes dramatically

Come on, kidsYou don’t have to fight eachother. Stop being rude, Ella. Jake, stop, pleaseYou all should stop,” Xander squatted in between them as they glared at eachother while I just allowed him to handle them because for some reason, I enjoyed every bit of this

I don’t like them!She stated bluntly and turned her face away

Not that we do either, anyway,Jake spoke up defensively, and I sighed

It’s ok, guys. Why don’t you all go upstairs, hmm? Jake, since Ella is new here, you should take her to the room you two share. Don’t you think? Xander turned to Jake and stroked his hair gently

I don’t want to, daddy!” 

I told you to stop being rude, Ella, Xander threw her a brief glare before he looked back at Jake and smiled at him

Will you do that, hmm? You can come downstairs for dinner in an hour,” 

Alright, uncle. I will do that,” 

Ella hesitantly followed them to the stairs, and just before she took the staircase, she paused

What about my luggage?” 

Don’t worry and go ahead. I will bring it to the room later,She finally left after he replied to her, and I breathed out

Sorry about that. Ella can be- 

It’s fine. She’s not so bad. That’s how kids are,I dismissed it with a smile, and he nodded

Why don’t you get some rest, hmm? I will go make dinner for us. You can go to your room. I will call you once it’s ready,” 

I will make dinner. You should go shower and change,I walked past him and headed toward the kitchen

Chapter 93


I’ve been at home all day, and you were outside, so you should shower. I’ll be fineI cut him off as he followed me into the bathroom. What would you like to have, anyway?I turned to him, and he shrugged as he muttered anything is fine“. 

Go ahead then. I’ll call you when dinner is ready



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