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Let’s Rewrite Our Love Story, Ms Summer Frost novel Chapter 96

Chapter 96 

Chapter 96 

Why are you still awake, honey? What about Jack and Ella?Summer asked worriedly as she led Jake to sit on the bed

They are still sleeping. I woke up and was scared to sleep again. Can I pass the night here with you?Jake’s little voice came on with his eyes 


Of course, darling. Come here,She held his hand and helped him climb the bed

The bathroom door creaked almost silently as it opened slightly with Xander peeping through the little space left between the door and its 


You can leave,Summer mouthed as she signalled him to leave, and he quietly walked out of the room and closed the door behind him

She breathed out in relief and lay beside Jake on the bed

A smile formed on her lips as she watched her son sleep peacefully, but the excitement was because of what happened between Xander and herself earlier. She didn’t want that to end. She was hoping it’d end in something magical, but that happy moment was brought to an abrupt 

halt, all thanks to Jake

Why did he have to wake up at that time?She sighed briefly then pulled the duvet to cover the little boy before leaving for the bathroom to 


Once she was done in the bathroom, she changed into a white robe and went back inside to sleep

Summer had no idea how long he had been asleep until a knock on the door pulled her out of her deep slumber, and she forced her eyes open to find the room bright as a result of the sunlight penetrating through the glass window

It’s morning?She mumbled tiredly as she sat up on the bed then ruffled her hair briefly and arranged them again

The sight of her son sleeping beside her brought a smile to her face, causing her to lean in and kissed his hair

Who is there?She yawned tiredly as she got off bed and advanced toward the door after the second knock, and as she pulled it open, Ella’s angry face welcomed her

I’ve been knocking on the door for like forever, I thought you were never going to open up,the little girl scoffed, and Summer had to look around to be sure she wasn’t the one the girl was talking to, but apparently, she was the only one there aside from the little girl, so she was definitely referring to her

Your Daddy told you to stop being rude to elders. I’m old enough to be your MomMy kids are older than you, so you should respect me,Summer crossed her arms on her chest while looking down at the girl

Whatever! Breakfast is ready. I was only doing you a favor to come and call you,” Ella rolled her eyes before she walked away, causing Summer to huff 

She is rude,She shook her head and turned to go inside, but paused when she heard Jack called her as he scurried down the walkway

Good morning, Mommy,Jack’s sweet smile welcomed her, and she squatted in front of him

12:18 Mon, 1 Julti

Chapter 96 

Good morning, darling. Has it been long since you woke up?She stroked his hair gently, and he nodded


Yes, Mommy, I was helping uncle Xander in the kitchen. I figured you would be tired by the time you woke up, so I thought we should make breakfast before you do,” 

Awww! That’s very thoughtful of you, darling. Thank you, I can’t wait to taste your food,She smiled while gently stroking the boy’s hair

Where is Jake? Is he still sleeping?” 

Good morning, Mommy,Just then, Jake’s voice sounded from behind her, and she turned to find him yawning and rubbing his eyes tiredly

Good morning, darling. Did you sleep well?” 

Yes, Mommy,” 

You two should come downstairs for breakfast. I’ll go help uncle Xander set the table,Jack spoke up before he left, and they went back 

Inside the room

The aroma from the kitchen welcomed Summer as she descended the staircase minutes later with Jake

MommyI dished your food already. Come sit here and eat,” Jack was enthusiastic as he struggled to pull out a chair for his mom to sit on

Thank you, darling.She smiled at him as she ruffled his hair before sitting on the chair

Where isHer voice trailed off when the kitchen door opened and Xander walked inside, causing her heart to skip a beat. As the incident of last night replayed in her head, she bit her lip embarrassingly while holding her gaze low,” 

Good morning, Summer. Did you sleep well?Even though she wasn’t looking at him, she could swear that he was smiling

Good morning. Yes, I did,Her voice came out weakly as she bit her lip and sucked in a breath

Mommy, do you want to drink juice? I’ll go get you one,Jack asked sweetly once again

No, darling, I’ll drink water,She declined as she looked at him with a warm smile on her face

You should taste the food, Mommy. I told uncle Xander the amount of seasoning you do put in the food when I saw you cook the other day. I also told him to make it spicy because you like it spicy. Aren’t. amazing?” 

Jake rolled his eyes and shook his head at how desperate his brother was, to get their mom’s compliments

I’m proud of you, sweetheart. I’ll taste the food and give you feedback,She smiled at him before she went ahead to have a taste of the food

and the look on her face said it all

Wow! This is amazing. It tastes so good,” 

Jack couldn’t hide his excitement and smiles seeing that proud and happy look on his mom’s face

Really, Mommy? Are you for real? It tastes really good?He squeaked excitedly to be sure she really meant what she said

It tastes delicious, Jack. I wouldn’t have known the amount of seasoning and pepper to add to the food. It’s all thanks to you that this turned out well,Jack was even more proud of himself when Xander complimented him

12:18 Mon, 1 Jui 

Chapter 95 

It doesn’t taste bad. But I don’t think you helped daddy to pick those ingredients. Daddy is a good cook, and he would not have made mistakes with that, don’t you think?Jack’s smile slowly faded as Ella spoke up



Your opinion wasn’t needed, you know? You can just shut your mouth if you have nothing to say,” Jake spoke up first before anyone else could say anything

You don’t tell me to shut up when I’m talking- 


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