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level 1 player novel novel Chapter 36

This also increased all stats by 40.

He would have all stats increased by 60 in an instant.

In terms of total stats, it has increased by a whopping 300.

“I thought I would never have a job for the rest of my life.”

At Hyunseong’s words, Lucia smiled softly.

“Perhaps the master would have succeeded in getting a job without me.”

“How long did it take Lucia to get a job after awakening?”

“I think it took about 15 years.”

“15 years?”


Contrary to Lucia’s calm answer, Hyunseong was quite embarrassed.

He had no idea it would have taken so long.

Lucia, who had lived her whole life as a knight, took that much time.

What if Hyunseong, who has lived his whole life as an ordinary small citizen?

It would have taken him at least a few decades to get his job.

In addition, Hyunseong succeeded in getting a legendary rank job called monarch by meeting Lucia.

If it weren’t for Lucia, even if he had waited hundreds of years instead of decades, it would have been difficult for him to get a legendary job.

“You might want to check out the job-specific skills first. In order to use it skillfully, it has to be mastered in advance.”


This is Hyunseong, who has already used other skills and understood the importance of proficiency.

His job skills will also be the same.

‘Status window.’

Name: Choi Hyun-seong

Player Level: 1

Main Job: Lord – Legendary Rank

Title: [Horned Rabbit Slayer – Legendary Rank] [Blood Fox Slayer – Legendary Rank] [First Hero Rank Achiever – Hero Rank] [First Legendary Achievement Achiever – Legendary Rank] [Vampire Bat Slayer – Legendary Rank] [Blood Rat Slayer – Legendary] [Giant Ant Slayer – Legendary] [Blue Lizard Slayer – Legendary] [First Level Destroyer – Normal] [Red Mane Wolf Slayer – Legendary] [Toadman Slayer – Legendary] … … aftermath… …

Stats: [Strength 300 +349] [Agility 300 +349] [Health 300 +352] [Magic 300 +353] [Spirit 300 +349]

Job-exclusive stats: [Leadership 3,192]

Undistributed stat: [0]

Unique Ability: [Sell] [Buy]

Occupation-exclusive skills: [Faction Status – Occupation-exclusive skill] [Monarch’s Flag – Occupation-exclusive skill] [Employment – Occupation-exclusive skill] [Withdrawal – Occupation-exclusive skill]

Active Skills: [Heal – Normal Rating] [Fireball – Normal Rating] [Taunt – Normal Rating] [Magic Missile – Normal Rating] [Shield – Normal Rating] [Secret Strike – Normal Rating] [Stealth – Normal Rating] [Shield Stun – Normal Grade] [Cure – Normal Grade] [Subspace – Rare Grade] … … aftermath… …

Passive Skills: [Solid Body – Normal Grade] [Tough Stamina – Normal Grade] [Samjae Heart Technique – Normal Grade] [Beginner Swordsmanship Knowledge – Normal Grade] [Beginner Magical Knowledge – Normal Grade] [Beginner Shield Skills Knowledge – Normal Grade] [ Stone Body – Normal Grade] [Book of Immortality – Unique Hero Grade] [Survival Instinct – Hero Grade] … … aftermath… …

The ability has increased explosively.

It was thanks to the stats obtained from the achievements and job change that he had been steadily doing in the past.

And the monarch was added to the main job that had been marked as None for a long time.

There was a stat called leadership.

“It looks like I have a job-specific skill.”

There have been four

“If you make an additional job change, your skills will continue to increase.”

“Can I change jobs in the future?”

“In the case of a monarch, additional job advancement to a higher rank is possible if the number of subjects accepted under his command increases.”

“Hahaha, I don’t know if that’s possible.”

Lucia’s oath of allegiance to Hyunseong was due to numerous coincidences and special circumstances.

In modern times, where the class system has become less famous, a servant swears allegiance to Hyunseong?

The odds were too slim.

“By the way, what are the job-specific stats? It’s called leadership.”

“Leadership is determined by the sum of all stats.”

At Lucia’s words, Hyunseong calculated her stats.

“Is 60 not enough?”


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