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level 1 player novel novel Chapter 39

Chapter 39 dark guild

Shoo woo woo!

Missiles launched from hundreds of kilometers away all at once rained down on the Joiners.

The joiners tried to scatter in all directions, but that didn’t work either.

This is because players equipped with a siege net fired long-distance skills at once.

Skills are flying from all directions and missiles are pouring down like rain from the sky.

There was no place for the joiners to hide.


At that moment, the members of the golden wings roared in fury and soared into the sky.

Following him, about 1,000 members of the Joining tribe spread their wings all at once and soared into the sky.

Missiles equipped with a monster guidance function flew towards the members of the group who flew into the sky.


A golden lightning storm covered the sky.


According to the guidance function, the missiles that were flying towards the join group exploded continuously in the air.

A golden thunderstorm began to advance through guided missiles from all directions.

The faces of the players who witnessed the scene quickly darkened.

“That’s not the level of defense that a hero-grade monster can show!”

“Gold Eagle needs to be upgraded to Legendary!”

The United Nations Command was also outraged.

The UN carried out this operation and was sure of victory.

The power of players gathered from all over the world was enormous.

It was at a level where he could confidently win even if he collided with the Joining tribes head-on.

The problem was the mobility and tactics of the Joiners.

Very few players are capable of dogfighting.

The very few were also unfamiliar with air combat.

Accordingly, he planned an operation to cover the sky with a fire net of missiles.

According to the UN Command’s plan, the Joining tribes should have been scattered in all directions to avoid the missiles and rushed at the players.


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