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level 1 player novel novel Chapter 40

Chapter 40 An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth

“It’s a chick that has only been awake for a year and a half.”

A smile spread across the lips of the dark guild leader who had received the results of the investigation.

“There’s also a sick person there.”

“It looks like it should be wiped out at once.”

At the words of Won Joong-seo who posted the report, the guild leader nodded his head with a happy expression.

I thought it was going to be a mess, but it seemed to work out surprisingly easily.

“He was a guy with nothing to do with the fact that he was directly under the Players Association.”

“It seems that my skills are not good considering that the missions change frequently. He doesn’t seem to have any particularly close friends.”

“great. So let’s start working on it tomorrow.”

Lucia, Choi Hyunseong, Baek Wooshin.

Even if all three worked, there seemed to be no backtracking.

Because if you work inside the dungeon, it can be wiped out.

It was a pretty big mistake.

However, from the guild chief’s point of view, there was no choice but to be mistaken.

All detailed information about Hyunseong was confidential.

The fact that Hyunseong participated in the first legendary level monster Imoogi raid, or the fact that the player association as well as the government are closely monitoring the fact that the guild’s intelligence could never figure it out.

* * *


Hyunseong’s expression hardened slightly when he arrived on the first floor of the apartment with Lucia and Baek Woo-shin.

I could feel the flowing horsepower in the dark tinted van.

Hyunseong opened the car door and Lucia and Baek Wooshin got on board.

As usual, I started the engine and started the car.

At that moment, the van started and started moving.

‘I keep following you.’

The van continued to follow Hyunseong’s car to the dungeon where Baek Woo-shin was hunting.

“I have a tail.”

“You mean that black van?”

At Lucia’s words, Hyunseong nodded his head.

“I think the players are riding it because of the magic.”

“Are they Japanese?”

At Lucia’s question, Hyunseong nodded his head with a questionable expression.

“The trailing is a bit clumsy for them, but it cannot be ruled out. First, let’s go into the dungeon where Baek Woo-shin is hunting.”

“all right.”

After hearing Lucia’s answer, Hyunseong called the security company using the vehicle’s Bluetooth function.

The quest was simple.

Sending additional bodyguards.

Hyunseong has personally hired his family’s bodyguards after Japan’s fuss.

Hiring players as bodyguards is quite expensive.

However, from the point of view of Hyunseong, who moved the hunting ground to a hero-grade dungeon, selling only the magic stones from there was enough to cover the cost of security.


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