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level 1 player novel novel Chapter 39

Hyunseong headed to the player academy to pick up Lucia.

Today was the last day to meet Lucia.

It’s been 3 weeks already.

Lucia successfully passed both the theoretical and practical exams.

‘Now I don’t have to sneak into the dungeon anymore.’

In the meantime, when the player academy training was over, she had to go through the cumbersome procedure to pick up Lucia, cancel her employment, and then re-employ her inside her dungeon.

It’s cumbersome to be cumbersome, but I always had to be careful not to find out that Lucia didn’t have a player registration card.

But now those worries are over.

He, of course, was not completely relieved.

It was obvious that it would be strange for a level 1 player who had just completed the player academy training to suddenly enter a high level dungeon.

But it was solved by Hyunseong’s power.

Hyunseong had the right to delete the player’s dungeon entry history.

The reason that such authority was given was because there was a risk of attracting the attention of foreign player associations or large guilds if Hyunseong’s dungeon entry contents leaked out.

Simply put, the environment has been completed in which Hyunseong can openly commit corruption if he pleases.

‘Well, maybe they’re hoping that I’m doing something wrong.’

It is the Players Association that benefits from catching Hyunseong’s weakness.

Perhaps Hyunseong is waiting for him to commit corruption, such as stealing magic stones and skillbooks and selling them through unofficial routes, or abusing the right to delete dungeon access records to do back deals with huge guilds.

But Hyunseong had no intention of doing so.

He didn’t have to take any risk to earn a penny.

‘It is enough just to delete Lucia’s dungeon access record.’

Lucia sells both Mana Stones and Skill Books through her unique abilities.

There is no room for the player association to take the pod.

Hyunseong entered the player academy.

‘I don’t think it’s been a while since I graduated… … .’

It’s been over a year and a half already.

Hyunseong quickly found Lucia among the graduates.

In a place where there was only one Asian, Lucia, a westerner with platinum hair, had no choice but to stand out.

Hyunseong took a step towards Lucia.


However, Lucia’s surroundings were a bit noisy.

“As long as you join our guild, I will actively support you!”

“I will decline.”

“Oh, what a great opportunity this is, but you say no? You’ll hit the ground and regret it later!”“Even if I regret it, I do it, you don’t do it, do you? Leave me alone.”

A man in his mid-30s was holding Lucia.

“What happen?”

“It’s not a big deal. Let’s go.”

Lucia simply answered Hyunseong’s question and passed the man.

“Hey, don’t you mean my words?”

The man grabbed her Lucia’s shoulder and shouted.

“What is this doing? They say they don’t like it.”

Hyunseong stepped forward and tried to remove the man’s hand.

“What are you interfering with?”

The man raised his voice and pushed Hyunseong away.


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