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level 1 player novel novel Chapter 39

“Damn it… … .”

The guild chief’s expression distorted.

‘I thought it was easy.’

The dark guild is a guild that works in the shade rather than in the sun, taking care of the dirty work of large corporations and large guilds.

And among the bad things was player supply.

The existence of the player is one of the mysteries that even modern science cannot fully solve.

Why is the level up system suddenly popping up?

How the heck does the player use magic?

Is it possible to create players arbitrarily?

Some studies were conducted at the national level and some were conducted at the company level.

However, the results of the study were not so cool.

This is because it was difficult to conduct human experiments due to the ethics of modern civilization.

Crucially, it was difficult to find a player who would allow their bodies to be tested.

Most of the players are high-income earners.

Even if he goes out of work, he gets paid three times as much as an ordinary worker.

What is the pity of such a player that he will become a subject of human experimentation?

In the end, most of the official player research projects were canceled shortly after Cataclysm began.

But a few companies have continued to experiment informally.

It was because he couldn’t easily give up the enormous benefits of revealing the player’s secrets completely.

The main ingredient for informal experimentation is the player.

And the main business of the dark guild was player supply.

The target is mainly players without relatives.

In that respect, foreign players from a destroyed country were the best targets.

Even if he suddenly disappears, no one is looking for him or anyone to report him.

In many cases, the disappearance itself was not known at all.

There was no fear of falling behind, so the business of the dark guild had been cruising smoothly for a long time.

‘It is clear that the child in charge is thinking wrong.’

From the moment the target applied for player registration and entered the player academy, the broker contacted him and the dark guild moved.

The dark guild moved quite carefully as it was doing illegal things.

In fact, in a noisy situation like now, it was best to just give up on the target.

However, the person in charge picked it up and told me to bring the target.

It was not only used as a test object, but also had other black hearts.‘You bastard bastard.’

In my heart, I wanted to ignore it, but it was difficult to do so.

‘Once we do some research on him, something will come out.’

The guild leader hoped for the best possible result.

* * *

After finishing the hunt in the Crocodile Man Dungeon, Hyunseong went to see Baek Woo-shin with Lucia.

“Did you have any problems while hunting?”


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