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level 1 player novel novel Chapter 54

Chapter 54 5th Legendary Rank Monster Ratman

‘I thought this was it.’

I knew that China would put out flippers, and I knew that other countries would pass in moderation.

In fact, they are not directly affected, and there is no need to bear a gun on behalf of Korea.

In addition, as they are also operating secret agents made up of players, it was not good that this incident became a big issue.

To be honest, Hyunseong even worried about what would happen if the government opposed making this issue an issue.

No matter how weak China’s influence, it was the best customer who bought the most Korean products.

There were many items that Korea imported from China, including raw materials.

To that extent, if the Korean government was issued, it would inevitably cause great losses for Korean companies.

‘It seems that you have made up your mind after the North Korean territorial dispute.’

This time, however, the Korean government’s resolve that it could not show weakness to China was felt.

Also, China was not in a situation to issue a Korean-Korean order right away.

It was only a few weeks ago that the Chinese government announced that it would not pressure other countries with its weapons of foreign joint ventures and imports and exports in China to attract investment from foreign companies.

Under such circumstances, it was obvious that if the Korean government was issued, foreign companies struggling to restore their production plants and make additional investments would completely turn their backs on China.

From China’s point of view, it was a situation where they had no choice but to stand still.

On the other hand, for Korea, it was a good opportunity to feed China one shot without any damage.

However… … .

‘The government is only satisfied with this level of achievement.’

The Korean government thought this was enough.

But not from Hyunseong’s point of view.

A man next door trespassed with a knife, smashed furniture and committed murder.

But he didn’t put the person next door to jail, and he’s just content with being humiliated by his neighbors?

I backed away too far.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

I had to jailbreak him so he wouldn’t do it again.

* * *

It was decided that the new home of the Hyunseong family would be a detached house, not an apartment.

It was easy to guard and it was good to be prepared in case of an emergency.

The detached house where Hyunseong’s family moved was famous for being home to many high-level players.

It was because of the geographical advantage of being close to the headquarters of large guilds, including high-level dungeons.

Of course, the security was good, and even if the dimension gate was opened, it had the advantage of being able to deal with it in an instant.

The problem was that after the Second Cataclysm, house prices rose dramatically.

The reason was that a large number of ordinary people were worried about the sudden creation of the dimension gate.

Fortunately, money was no longer an obstacle for Hyunseong’s family.

This is because Hyunseong’s father also made a huge amount of income, even if he excludes the income he makes from selling magic stones.

Money is not everything in the world, but with money, most problems can be easily solved.

Hyunseong told the Players Association that he would stop hunting for the time being.

The Players Association also understood.

Having gone through something like that, I understood it to mean that I would personally take care of the safety of my family for the time being.

Hyunseong, who declared to the Players Association to stop hunting, headed north that day.


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