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level 1 player novel novel Chapter 55

Chapter 55 10,000 to 1

‘Finally got it.’

The president of the China Players Association, Ma analysis, glared at the ratman trapped inside the siege with a gaze that seemed to tear him to death at any moment.

The president of the Magic Analysis Association used secret agents as bait to catch the ratman.

The secret agents selected for the bait were also unaware that they were the bait.

As soon as they realized that the ratman had bitten the bait, Magic Analysis mobilized the rankers and high-level players that had been on standby in advance.

These were not secret agents, but local government rankers and high-level players belonging to the guild.

A monster presumed to be legendary appeared and ordered an emergency summons in the name of hunting.

From the players’ point of view, it was an absurd instruction.

Because they hadn’t heard that the dimensional gates had been opened, nor had they heard of a monster wave.

But it was an order from the President of the Players Association, not anyone else.

The players were dragged out to eat mustard weeping.

However, there were indeed monsters.

“Are you a ratman?”

“Did you call us to catch one of the lowest level monsters?”

“Why the hell did you tell me to hit the magic force field?”

Rankers and high-level players had no choice but to collapse.

When a legendary level monster appeared, I made up my mind.

However, when I arrived at the site, there were no hero-grade monsters, let alone legendary-grade monsters.

There was only one Ratman, the lowest level monster of the general level.

“Power attack!”

At that time, the command of the Magic Analysis Association was issued.

Rankers and high-level players panicked.

“Did you tell Ratman to attack?”

“Isn’t the president of the association crazy?”

“I’m crazy, I think it’s a little tasteless.”

When rankers and high-level players were making absurd faces!

– Chewy profit!

With a powerful roar, the ratman rushed towards the rankers and high-level players of the Chinese local government.

Hyunseong opened a space.

After that, he took out the ogre’s blood, Drake’s heart, and the troll’s liver from the subspace and pushed it into his mouth.

They are all consumable items that permanently lose stats, but have the effect of increasing attack power, defense, and recovery along with a huge stat increase for a short time.

‘Speed ​​fast. Break through the siege as quickly as possible.’

– Chewy profit!

At the same time as using the walk-cry skill, Hyunseong’s body went out like a bullet.


The breath of the Black Lightning Dragon flew towards the players who were stiffened by the Walk Cry skill.


A pitch-black thunderbolt spread in all directions, turning hundreds of players within range into black charcoal.

‘Damn it.’


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