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level 1 player novel novel Chapter 56

Chapter 56 magic analysis

“Sa, it’s murder!”


Some of the reporters screamed in surprise and stepped back.

However, the majority of reporters did not back down in surprise, but came closer and pressed the shutter of the camera.

Some of the reporters here were broadcasting live on the Internet.

It was the moment when Minister Wang Jin-kwang’s revelations and death spread throughout the world in real time.

Hyunseong hid in the dark and watched the scene.

‘It has been completely resolved.’

Since the dead cannot open their mouths, the fact that Minister Wang Jin-gwang met the Ratman will not be revealed forever.

Minister Wang Jin-kwang’s revelations also included craftsmanship in Korea.

It was revealed in detail who led the flippers and who gave the instructions.

I wanted to cut off their heads myself, but it was difficult for many bodyguards to do so.

It would be possible if they invaded by force, but in doing so, countless lives of innocent people would have to be taken.

Hyunseong didn’t want any more pointless killings.

‘Still, I don’t know… … .’

Hyunseong used a firestorm to boost his magic power.

The target was the home of Minister Wang Jin-kwang.


With a huge explosion, red flames engulfed Minister Wang Jin-gwang’s house.

Reporters were surprised, but instead of backing down, they pressed the shutter of the camera more passionately.

‘With this, I also solved the case of getting caught by the tail with a restoration skill or a tracking skill… … .’

All that was left was the president of the China Players Association.

* * *

China was stunned.

It was because of the revelations and death of Minister Wang Jin-kwang.

Arrows of condemnation poured in from all over the world.

It turned out that events that were considered accidents, including those that remained unsolved, were the work of the Chinese government.

– This is a mothership.

– Minister Wang Jin-kwang was talking nonsense.

The Chinese government once again put out flippers.

But this time it didn’t work. In particular, the countries that have been affected by the Chinese operation did not stand still.

There, even the domestic situation was not serious.

The first to rise up were minorities.

This is because many of the secret agents’ operations were carried out against ethnic minorities.

They stood up with the determination to really achieve independence this time.

Koreans who died as a result of the operation of secret agents while opposing the party’s policies also rose up.

Meanwhile, an incident occurred that fanned the burned down house.

The whereabouts and personal information of secret agents operated by the Chinese government have been disclosed on the Internet.

The confidential data released by Minister Wang Jin-kwang contained only operational instructions, but no information on the secret agents who were put into action.


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