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level 1 player novel novel Chapter 92

Chapter 92 perfect crime

News of a failed Mexican criminal gang’s attempt to kidnap Hyunseong’s family quickly spread around the world.

– We will never tolerate Mexico’s acts of terrorism and attempted abduction of civilians in other countries.

-If necessary, I will punish Mexico even by force.

Russia hit the player.

Following the Oak Road incident, this time too, he was the first to stand up for Hyunseong and raise his voice.

-The massacre and kidnapping of civilians by Mexico in the Republic of Korea is absolutely unforgivable.

– We are considering putting Mexico on the list of state sponsors of terrorism.

– We will prepare an armed eradication of terrorists along with strong economic sanctions.

Following Russia, the United States quickly issued a statement.

This time too, it was one step behind, but in any case, it kept the 2nd place.

A number of countries, including China, India, Japan, and the European Union, followed, and strongly condemned Mexico’s terrorism.

Even before the South Korean government grasped the situation and announced countermeasures, economic sanctions and armed destruction were first heard in other countries.

The South Korean government hastily issued an official statement and denounced Mexico.

But something felt a bit late.

The Mexican government has also responded to fierce criticism from all over the world.

– I will apologize and compensate the Korean people a hundredfold for the victims of terrorism.

– We will find all those who plan and commit terrorism and punish them severely.

– It was never led by the Mexican government.

-This is just a deviant act of some criminals.

-Mexico is by no means a sponsor of terrorism.

-Criminals in one country cannot be held accountable for committing a crime in another country.

– We respectfully request the revocation of economic sanctions statements from countries around the world.

What the Mexican government was saying was the theory.

Even among Mexicans, criticism of the Sinalo Guild poured in.

This is because Mexico has become a public enemy around the world due to the terror and kidnapping of the Sinalo Guild.

In addition, Mexico’s economic figures plummeted as major powers declared economic sanctions all at once.

The value of the Mexican peso also fell to the bottom.

– This is too much.

– This is absolutely not normal.

-The whole world is watching the player who is called the guardian god of mankind.

-Mexicans are innocent.

-Selection of countries supporting terrorism and economic sanctions are absolutely prohibited.

– Just because the influence of the victim of a crime is strong, you should not force harm even on innocent people.

All kinds of human rights groups rose up to oppose economic sanctions against Mexico.

A terrorist incident in Korea.

It wasn’t a mass terrorism, in fact, it was an attempt to kidnap rather than terrorism.

But its effects were spreading all over the world.

‘You’re doing very naughty things.’

Hyunseong was absurd.

The internet was a complete mess.

There was a strong conflict between the opinion that the Mexican government had to go beyond this level with its promises of compensation to victims and severe punishment for organized crime, and how to believe the mere promise.

Still, the general public opinion prevailed.

‘No, who are they, and what do they say about other people’s affairs?’

In this case, the position of the victim, not the suspect, had to be considered.

The biggest victims in this case were the bodyguards.

Naturally, in proceeding with everything, the opinions of the bereaved family of the deceased bodyguard and the injured bodyguard had to be prioritized.

However, the work of the bodyguards who had already died disappeared from the public mind.

All attention was focused on Hyunseong’s anger and the Mexican government’s follow-up actions.

‘I can’t go on like this.’

Chapter 92.1 1


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