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level 1 player novel novel Chapter 93

Chapter 93 The 1st S×K×T Official Competition

As soon as Hyunseong returned to Korea, he started checking the server.

Because he’s been on his hands for a while, so he doesn’t know what problems might have arisen.

The server administrators Hyunseong hired only managed the server and made patches, but could not communicate directly with customers.

Hyunseong delivered unhandled bugs and customer complaints to the server administrators.

However, Hyunseong had no choice but to solve the problem that the server administrators could not solve.

That was the problem with server operation.

‘Well… … .’

Games that were popular in the past, including Rex, were doing quite well.

However, some games did not sell as well as expected.

Of course, there was a good reason for that.

‘Speed ​​is an issue.’

The exchange jewel made by Gespit was too slow in exchanging information.

As a result, games that had sophisticated graphics and had to exchange a lot of information in real time continued to stutter or stutter.

This was difficult to solve unless the communication speed was improved.

On the other hand, there were also games that had unexpected success.

In the case of Carxter Sxrax, it proudly rose to the position of the strongest FPS game.

There was also a problem with the internet connection, and there was also a variable that occurred because Hyunseong predicted the box office based on the successful games in Korea.

This is because there were many games that were not popular in Korea like Car X Tu S X R X K, but were sensational in other countries.

‘First, I need to clean up Guest.’

If technology is not advanced, we cannot provide a better service.

‘First, I need to upload as many games as possible.’

Hyunseong was currently servicing games that were sensational in Korea.

But there was no need to be caught up in such stereotypes any longer.

‘You can’t do everything.’

You can also service games that have thrived in countries other than Korea or have completely failed.

The customers are neither Korean nor Earthlings.

So I had no idea which game was going to hit the jackpot.

‘The popularity of skukkut is still here.’

The popularity of Lee X-G and S X K-XX was solid.

‘I need to raise this atmosphere more.’

Hyunseong recalled the early days of e-sports that started in Korea.

‘It’s also a convention site.’

Script Competition.

At first, it was born on a small scale like a PC room competition.

However, as time passed, sponsors were added.

I got a big prize because I got a sponsor.

Then, a large number of talented gamers began to participate.

The game games of gamers who compete fiercely in the competition were sent with commentators and casters.

This was the beginning of e-sports.

‘Let’s play the same game.’

The competition is hosted by gathering talented people from the dimension that are linked with their unique skills.

It was a decent enough attempt.

‘It’s better to be two than alone.’

Chapter 93.1 1

Chapter 93.1 2


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