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Lie To Me novel Chapter 8

"Here." Hans handed me a glass of water.

I accepted that but did not drink. I just put it on my thigh and slid down my fingers on the body of the glass. I was dumbfounded while doing that.

I was shocked by what happened last night. I was just on the side of the road for an hour and crying. Releasing all the frustration inside me.

Reysa called me but I was not able to answer. I just cried and cried until I could drive again.

I drove straight to Manila. I didn't even go through the house to say goodbye and pick up my belongings, I just texted Mama that I had returned to Manila because there was an emergency at work.

And now, I am here at Hans’ pad, still shock from what happened earlier.

I immediately went straight to cry and complain. As well as blaming him for forcing me to leave work.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I shook. I also can't lie that I'm okay with the state I look like now.

I'm a mess.

My eyes are fluffy and my voice is also crack from crying. With that, he knew right away that I wasn't okay.

I sighed.

"We met," I said instead.


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