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Little Cute Wife novel Chapter 33

Chapter 33 The First Night

It was so rare for him to show a smile on his face.

Jessica was so surprised and she didn't expect that the smile of him would be that charming and he looked much more gorgeous than he was in a poker face.

But, he was smiling do evilly.

Louis was like a man eater with a beautiful appearance. As long as Jessica was lured by his smile, the consequence would be very horrible.

Jessica felt her back was cool and she pursed her lips and didn't make a sound.

"Why? Are you scared?" He was teasing. "If you win, I will let leave the Carters Group without letting my dad knows, and I will give you compensation."

Obviously, he knew that Jessica was forced to take his father's offer. Since she wasn't willing to work in the Carters Group, then all she wanted should be freedom.

Jessica said yes before he finished his words.

Louis laughed slightly and his laughing was so pleasant to hear just like the waves in the ocean. "Jessica, you seem to be very confident that you will win."

Her face stiffened and she took a deep breath and looked into his eyes then said proudly, "Of course, I trust you that you won't force me with some dirty ways. So, I won't lose."

In fact, she was sure that unlike Phillip, Louis wouldn't let her drink knockout drops, because he was so confident to himself.

Louis pursed his lips and laughed slightly, "Great, Jessica, I can't wait to see you lose to me."

Jessica had a look at him and she was eager to know who the woman was in his car last night, but Louis didn't tell her but instead he unashamedly asked her to be his lover!

Seeing he was mocking her, she felt that he seemed to be a monster though he looked gorgeous and handsome…

The next morning. This was the first day they began to bet.

Jessica thought that it was not only just a bet between a secretary and a boss, but also a competition between male and female. Even it was a battle between a rabbit and a wild dog!

Therefore, she was full of fighting spirit and printed out the combat letter and then she came to the hospital. She threw the letter to Louis and asked him to sign his name.

When he saw the paper with lots of words on it, he became gloomy.

This was a combat letter that she wrote. She wrote lots of words and there was only three points of them:

Firstly, in this week, Jessica's salary must be three times higher than usual so as to compensate for the loss caused by high-intensity mental pressure.

Secondly, in this week, Louis couldn't use any his power to harass her, especially her body.

Thirdly, in this week, Louis couldn't use any dirty ways to win her.

Louis smashed the paper and gazed her seriously, "So, you think you will win at last?"

Jessica lifted her eyebrows and smiled, "Of course! Are you scared so that you don't dare to sign your name?"

He sneered and then he signed his name on it and tossed the paper back to her.

She picked up the crumpled paper and she spread it out. There were a few words coming to her sight.

Additional condition: Jessica should obey what Louis Carter said and she is not allowed to leave the ward without his permission in this seven days and 168 hours.

Then it was followed by his signature.

Jessica was shocked and she opened her eyes wide. Then she shouted at him, "Why must I stay with you for these seven days? And why must I obey what you say?"

He snorted and answered, "If you follow what I said in the additional condition, I will promise you what you want."

Jessica gazed at the paper and she had a careful look at the words he wrote but nothing was wrong. She thought it might be OK as long as Louis didn't play any tricks to force her to do something.

She frowned and said yes. "As long as you can obey what I said, I will reluctantly promise you."

A glimmer of light could be seen in his eyes.

Louis who was leaning against the bed had a look at the clock. "It's 9 in the morning. Let's see who will be the winner in seven days at the same time."

Jessica was a bit nervous.

"Fine, but I should bring my clothes to change since I have to stay here for seven days…"

"You don't need to do that." He cut in and chimed, "I will ask someone to prepare some new clothes for you. You don't need to prepare anything but yourself."

Prepare myself?

Jessica so frightened and she felt like she fell into a trap.

She called her mom and told her that she needed to be on a business trip for a week and she also told her mom to take good care of Jason.

After she made a phone call, she went into the VIP ward like a brave fighter.

Actually, Louis was not a hard man to look after.

He cooperated with the doctor and received treatment the whole day.

Jessica couldn't help giggling at him when she saw that he broke his leg and couldn't get up himself.

He would be unable to turn over in bed! How dare he make such a bet with her that she would ask him to have sex with him in a week?"

Even though she did ask that, he couldn't have a good sexual performance either.

Thinking about that she would be free in seven days, Jessica couldn't help smiling and humming.

The night was coming.

The ward finally quieted down at night. 。

Jessica helped him treat the people who came to visit him the whole day and now she was exhausted.

After the dinner, she curled up in the sofa of the ward.


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