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Living With My Lady Boss by Blue Silver novel Chapter 279



Chapter 279 

Oh, really?Wilbur asked

Faron nodded. Yup.” 

Wilbur fell silent for a while before saying. It’s illegal. Aren’t you going to do anything about it?” 

What can I do, man?Faron shrugged It’s all organized under a legal front We wouldn’t be able to get anything even if we launched an investigation Besides, anyone who can hold an auction like this would probably be someone with significant influence in the system Surely you know that better than me.” 

Wilbur chuckled. Yes, not everything was as easy to control as it seemed

Well, I don’t mind taking a trip if it really is as good as you make it out to be,Wilbur said

Faron smiled. I’ll give you Ted Dominic’s contact. Call him in two nights and he’ll take you there.” 

I need to call someone for this?Wilbur asked

Of course. An illegal auction like this isn’t open to just anyone. Ted’s a pretty wellknown broker around these parts, specializing in getting people access to events like this. He’s got a pretty impressive social network.” 

Alright, then. I’ll take a trip there. I just might find something useful.” 

Wilbur was on the lookout for a contribution to get Faye a Marrow Cleansing Pill. Despite finding something worth contributing not being guaranteed, it was still worth trying his luck

Besides, Faron and Elsa were both cultivators now. Faye was the only one left and it was honestly a little 


The two men drank until late in the night, chatting about the auction. Finally, Faye returned home looking 

rather tired

She sighed at the sight of the two tipsy men. You sure look like you’re having fun. I’m about to pass out from the exhaustion.” 

Is everything alright?Wilbur asked

Faye sat down, pouring herself a glass. She took a sip, then let out a long sigh before saying, Everything ended perfectly. I was even going to ask Sammy to lunch tomorrow so we could all get together, but she had to leave right after to catch her next performance

I can’t believe these washedup celebrities are still busy,” Faron chuckled

Wilbur asked, Did she use to be really big?” 

Yeah, bro. Sammy blew up internationally five years ago with just one song, but she’s been dropping in popularity ever since for some reason. She’s still got a lot of fans, though,Faron said

Wilbur nodded. Faye finished her drink and said, “I’m spent, I’m going to bed. You two should get some 

rest too.” 

Right. I’m going to do just that. Goodnight,Faron said 

Faye and Faron left, so Wilbur went to bed as well

The next afternoon, Wilbur woke up and packed a small travel bag. Seeing as Faron had still not sent him Ted’s number, Wilbur headed to Faron’s room

Faron was snoring loudly on the living room floor. It was clear that he had a little too much to drink the 

previous night

Wilbur huffed, kicking Faron’s bottom. Wake the f*ck up. Do you know what time it is?” 

Faron rubbed his bottom as he opened his eyes blearily. He glanced at his watch and seemed to sober up

Forget it. I’m skipping work today.Faron lay back down, prepared to go right back to sleep.. 

Wilbur glared at him, aiming another kick at his bottom. Are you serious? Do you remember what you said to me last night?” 

What is it, bro?Faron groaned in frustration

Wilbur’s expression darkened. The auction. Ted Dominic. You were supposed to send me his number. Do you remember now?” 


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