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Lock You In My Heart novel Chapter 31

Today, Micheal brought Mia over. He just wanted to apologize and compensate Gabrielle accordingly. There was nothing else he intended to do but that.

However, Mia's enthusiasm seemed a bit too much for him.

"Oh, I see," Mia replied with an apparent disappointment on her face. She sensed Michael's annoyance, so she decided not to provoke him anymore. After all, nothing good would ever come out if he got annoyed.

"Miss Jones, we're leaving now. If you finally have the requirements, please feel free to contact me at any time," Michael said in the most businesslike tone he could. With that, he turned around and left.

For some reason, Mia did not leave and instead walked over to Gabrielle. "Miss Jones, do you have a boyfriend?" she asked with great interest.

"No," Gabrielle answered without even thinking about it.

It was true, though. She really did not have a boyfriend. Westley was just her husband in paper, so they were technically not a real couple. She would divorce him once Nellie came back.

"That's great. My brother doesn't have a girlfriend either. Would you consider—"

"Mia, I said let's go now!" Micheal shouted by the door. He had heard Mia's absurdity, so he immediately called her to stop. He knew that she would blabber nonsense as soon as she was out of his sight, and he did not want that.

"I'm coming!" Mia shouted back while rolling her eyes.

"Miss Jones, I'm serious about what I've said. Think about it. My brother is a great man. If you want, I can send you his information later. I swear he's not fierce and cold usually. He's actually a warm-hearted man once you get to know him," Mia hurriedly said, deliberately emphasizing her brother's traits. As soon as she said those words, she finally left.

True enough, Gabrielle received the file not long after as Mia promised. It was about Micheal.

From his basic information to his love life, everything was indicated there. Gabrielle figured at once what exactly Mia was trying to do.

Unfortunately, regardless of how amazing Micheal was, she was not interested.

Gabrielle did not reply to Mia's message. Instead, she locked her phone and threw it aside. Then, as she lay on the bed, her eyes felt heavy, and drowsiness caught her eventually.

The next day, because she was not seriously ill, she was finally discharged from the hospital.

It was Westley who picked her up. Of course, he did not come there of his own volition. Miley forced him, and there was nothing else he could do about it.

Gabrielle was well-aware of it, so she did not take it to heart when she saw his sullen face early in the morning.

After all, she never expected that he would pick her up, nor would he be kind to her.

Thanks to Mia, Gabrielle learned that it was Micheal who saved her and not Westley. As a result, she detested Westley even more.

Westley was a liar, and he took credit for something that he did not do. If it were not for Micheal and Mia, Gabrielle would never have known the truth.

"Have you finished packing up, Gabrielle? I've already asked Alvin to go through the discharge procedure for you. He's waiting for us upstairs. We can go back now if you're done," Miley thoughtfully said while looking at her.

Truth be told, it was the first time that Gabrielle had met someone who cared about her so much.

"Thanks a lot, Grandma. Yes, I'm done packing up. You know, I'm fine. I could've been discharged yesterday," Gabrielle replied while looking at Miley with a smile.

"Westley, help Gabrielle and take her bag. Let's go now," Miley ordered.

In this world, only she could order Westley like that.


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