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Lock You In My Heart novel Chapter 310

After Gabrielle returned from upstairs, she sat in her own work partition. Lolita sat beside her. The two of them were anxiously waiting for Vivian to take down the autographed poster of Michelle.

However, Gabrielle didn't expect too much. She knew a little about Michelle. And she was sure that if she hadn't taken it herself, Michelle probably wouldn't be willing to sign it.

"Gabrielle, why did Vivian ask for the sign so kindly? It's weird because I don't think she is such a kind person." Even Lolita didn't believe that it was just Vivian's kindness. There had to be some reason.

That woman only knew how to plot and was not a kind-hearted person. She had never been kind enough to help others, especially not Gabrielle.

Now that she was behaving too differently, Lolita was fearful that Vivian was plotting something again.

"Gabrielle, I don't think this woman is a kind and generous one. She's being weird. I'm really concerned now. Is she plotting something?" Lolita was really worried about Vivian's attitude and behavior.

It was also a fact that she didn't like Vivian since the first time she saw her in the studio. She always looked arrogant and was always ready to provoke others.

"Relax Lolita, don't think too much about it. After all, Vivian is a good friend of my master. It's better if she goes inside instead of me." Gabrielle held Lolita's shoulders in an assuring manner. She wondered why Lolita thought that they were surrounded by so many conspiracies.

She too had a feeling that there was some plan in Vivian's mind. And that was why she wanted to take Michelle's poster in this time. Though she had her doubts, Gabrielle didn't want Lolita to think so.

"How can I not think too much? I haven't seen her for such a long time, and I haven't seen the poster. Do you think she has never thought about getting my poster signed?" The more Lolita thought about it, the more sure she was about some trouble brewing.

How could a woman like Vivian become so kind suddenly?

What's more! She took the poster from Gabrielle, what could she do with it?

"Well, let's wait a little longer and see. Maybe they are discussing something." Gabrielle wanted to send a message to ask Michelle about what was happening but she gave up the idea.

She felt that it was not a good thing to interrupt their conversation.

"Well, let's wait for five more minutes. If she doesn't come five minutes later, we won't wait any further." Lolita really had no confidence in Vivian and her intentions.


Before the five minutes came to an end, Jason and Michelle arrived. Michelle's eyes were shielded by sunglasses. She wore a dark green sexy dress and a white overcoat. She looked so slender and elegant, like a beautiful goddess.

"Wow! Look, Michelle is there!"

"Oh yes! It's her, is she leaving now?"

"Will she be wearing our company's jewelry and become our ambassador?"

"That would be beautiful. Probably super beautiful."

"I didn't take a good look at her when she came. She will be leaving now, I think. It's a pity that I didn't take a photo or ask for an autograph."

"Honestly, I desperately want to take a photo with her. I admire her so much, she's like a goddess for me!"

As soon as Lolita saw Jason and Michelle coming downstairs, she was so excited that she rushed towards them. Gabrielle tried hard to keep with her pace.

"Boss, can I take a photo with Michelle? And also have her autograph?" Seeing Jason there, Lolita didn't dare to ask Michelle directly for a photo or autograph.

She was too excited to meet her beloved goddess and was afraid she'd mumble something foolish. That was probably another reason she didn't come forward on her own.

Jason looked at her face. She was blushing and had gone red in her face. He smiled on seeing her like that. "Lolita, you are so excited to take a photo with Michelle. People who don't know us


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