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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 1256

Chapter 1256: The Fake Cultivator

Hearing this, John was full of confusion. He knew about his cousin Julia; she had been living abroad for years. Even when she occasionally returned, she stayed in hotels. Why did she choose to stay at his house today? However, since they were relatives, John didn't ask too many questions.

Chris Shelby smiled and said, "Auntie, let me show you the guest room!" Suddenly, Chris Shelby pointed to a room and said, "Oh right, Auntie! This is the room where Esther stays!"

Upon hearing this, Julia's eyes gleamed. Seeing this, Esther showed a hint of surprise on her face. That room was actually Juliette's, not hers. Why did Chris Shelby say it was her room? Although puzzled, Esther kept her questions to herself. Chris Shelby must have his reasons for saying so. Esther trusted Chris Shelby unconditionally.

Midnight struck. Everyone was asleep. Suddenly, Julia got up from her bed. She stealthily opened her door and went to Chris Shelby's room. Once inside, Julia looked around cautiously. Soon, she saw someone lying on the bed and smirked cruelly at the sleeping figure. She pulled out a sharp dagger from her pocket and stabbed towards the person on the bed without hesitation.

At that moment, the lights in the room suddenly turned on. Julia was shocked. Before she could react, Chris Shelby sat up from the bed. He looked at Julia with a half-smile and said, "Auntie, why are you in my room so late? And with a dagger in your hand? Were you planning to kill me?"

Realizing she had been tricked, Julia forced a smile and said, "Chris Shelby, I'm sorry, I entered the wrong room. I'll leave now." Turning around to leave, Chris Shelby coldly said, "Auntie, it's too late to leave now."

"What do you mean by that?" Julia asked in shock. Just then, the door opened. Tiger, Harold Jefferson, Esther, and others walked in.

Seeing Esther, Julia smiled and said, "Esther, what are you doing here?" She walked towards Esther but was blocked by Tiger and Harold Jefferson.

Chris Shelby got out of bed and sneered, "I think it's time you reveal your true identity!" Julia panicked and said, "Chris Shelby, what nonsense are you talking about? I'm Auntie Julia!" As she spoke, she moved closer to the window.

Chris Shelby laughed disdainfully and said, "At this point, there's no need to pretend! Who sent you here?" "Chris Shelby, I don't know what you're talking about!" Julia suddenly tried to jump out of the window.

But Chris Shelby wouldn't let her escape so easily. In a flash, he blocked her path. Julia broke into a sweat but still turned to Esther and shouted, "Esther, what are you doing? I'm your aunt!"

Esther hesitated; her mind was completely muddled. Was this person really her aunt? If not, why did she look exactly like her aunt? If so, why was she in her husband's room in the middle of the night? Could there really be people who look identical in this world? Unless they were twins! But as far as Esther knew, her aunt didn't have a twin sister.

Esther looked at Chris Shelby and asked: "Dear, could you be mistaken?" "Mistaken?" Chris Shelby sneered again.

Who was Chris Shelby? The mighty Amerosia Primus! He had seen all kinds of disguises and makeup tricks on the battlefield. The person before him was definitely not Esther's aunt! Moreover, he sensed a familiar aura from this Julia-the same aura as the waitress from Appointment Club who tried to assassinate him and Esther.

Chapter 1256: The Fake Cultivator 1

Chapter 1256: The Fake Cultivator 2


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