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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 2

“Sir, can you really take me to my mother? I haven’t seen her for three days.”

The rims of Hope Jefferson’s eyes turned a bit red.

Chris Shelby was inexplicably angry in his heart.

Esther Jefferson, what was she thinking? How could she be so irresponsible as a mother?

The middle-aged woman just now mentioned that Esther had been in the Fairies’ Secret pleasing the men, and Chris decided to check it out.

If this was really what Esther Jefferson was, he would take Hope Jefferson away...


The Fairies’ Secret.

It was the most luxurious and extravagant entertainment venue on the East Coast.

This was the paradise and the best money-squandering choice for all the rich men in the city.

“Hold on!”

A red-haired security guard with a cigarette between his lips, and a tattoo on his bare shoulders stopped Chris Shelby.

He considered Chris up and down, who was in his plain clothes, and snorted, “Where are you from, loser? Do you think this is where you should go? Get out of here!”

“Step aside!”

Chris had a cold expression.

“You poor peasant, how dare you to talk to our captain like that!”

“Do you hear me? I am telling you to get out!”

“If you don’t get out, believe it or not, you are getting yourself in trouble!”

Several security guards immediately gathered around, and one of them kicked Chris with his leg up.

A loud boom!

The security flew out all over, and Chris was still intact, holding Hope gently in his arms.

“Dude, so you are here to make trouble! Guys, come out!” When he saw it, the tattooed security guard took out the walkie-talkie and started calling for help.


After a while, hundreds of security guards rushed out of the clubhouse.

“How dare you make trouble in our place? Are you tired of your life?” The tattooed security guard was confident.

Chris didn’t bother to say anything more. He just took out his phone and dialed a number.

“Tiger. Send my Lord Death Battalion over!”


Instantly after Chris finished his words, there was a roar from behind.

There appeared five military trucks speeding up from a distance, and on each military truck stood countless sturdy soldiers.

Afterward, the soldiers quickly got out of the trucks and stood in unison behind Chris.


Countless pitch-black muzzles, exuding the light of Death, aimed at the security guards.


Tiger shouted.




Without any hesitation, the group of security guards all knelt down, trembling with fear.

Among them, the tattooed security guard felt the worst. He got so scared that a little stream was seen between his legs!

What kind of important character had he offended?

“Master, sorry, I’m late!”

Tiger came over to Chris and respectfully said.

Chris nodded and said, “You guys stand on guard here, and don’t let anyone in!”

“Yes, master!”

With a roar from Tiger, thousands of soldiers immediately put the Fairies’ Secret under martial control!

“Sir, what are they doing? Are they making a movie?”

When she saw there were so many fully-armed warriors, Hope asked curiously.

Chris bowed his head and said with a doting smile, “Yeah, Hope, I will take you in to find your mother.”

With that said, he walked in with her.


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