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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Roger Jefferson gritted his teeth, and immediately got into his Porsche and drove away.


The old Jefferson house.

Henry Jefferson and others were forced to move back to the old Jefferson house because all the properties of the Jefferson family were sealed up.

The old Jefferson house had not been occupied for decades.

There was dust and cobwebs everywhere.

The Jeffersons, after all those good years, were naturally very uncomfortable living here.

"Damn it, it's all because of that Chris Shelby. Otherwise, we wouldn't be living in this damn place!"

Patrick Jefferson, with a livid face, couldn't help but complain.

Felix sighed lightly and said, "Just bear with it. We will be fine again when our Pinkerton relatives come over."

When he heard this, Patrick looked at Henry and asked, "Grandpa, when will they come over from Pinkerton?"

At this moment, Henry Jefferson was sitting in a chair with his eyes closed.

What happened to the Jefferson family this time was a huge blow to him.

In less than a few days, he felt he was ten years older.

Henry opened his eyes, and said impatiently, "What's the hurry? When they come, they will come!"

Hearing this, Patrick didn't dare to speak.


Suddenly, at this moment, there was a rumble from the door.

"So, my East Coast relatives just live in such a crappy place?"

Roger got out of the car and looked at the old Jefferson house in disgust.

"Are you from Pinkerton? How come you were beaten?"

Henry looked at Roger, who had now a bruised nose and a swollen face, and asked curiously.

Roger's expression changed immediately after being poked by Henry in the sore spot.


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