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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Henry gritted his teeth and signed his name on the contract.

After signing, Henry slumped down on the chair, feeling that he had lost all his energy.


Roger laughed and said, "That's right. A wise man takes what his fate gives him!"

Felix asked flatteringly, "My dear nephew, now that the contract's been signed, when will you help us?"

"Don't worry. I'll help you set up the new Jefferson Group tomorrow."

Roger took the contract and said in a good mood.

"Thank you, thank you so much!"

Hearing these words, Felix and the others looked excited.

Suddenly, Henry asked, "You people from Pinkerton suddenly agreed to help us - you must have other purposes. Come on, what do you want to do?"

Roger sneered, "Grandpa Henry, the older, the wiser! Yes, we do have other purposes, and I don't mind telling you. We're going to use the name of the Jefferson family on the East Coast and participate in the bidding meeting at the East Coast Industrial District!"

"Ha ha ha!"

Henry smiled bleakly, "My dear brother, I lost! After years of fights with you, in the end, you used me. You are too cruel..."


Suddenly, Henry spat out a mouthful of blood, and then fell to the ground.



Seeing this, Felix and the others immediately rushed over and shouted.

Roger glanced disdainfully and snorted, "Useless peasants, you can't even stand this blow! So disappointing!"

Soon, the ambulance came and took Henry away.


East Coast.

Mercedes-Benz Center.

Half an hour ago, Jimmy, the manager, received a call from headquarters saying that a super big shot was coming.

Jimmy didn't dare to be careless and took all the staff to wait at the door early.


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