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Lost Me, Gained Regret (Jane and Bryant Ferguson) novel Chapter 246

Thinking of Cheryl's bruises, I couldn't hide my disdain. "We're not family soon," I said coldly.

"What do you mean by that?" Allen’s eyes flickered with a cunning light, then settled on the lawyer beside me. "And who's this? Why did you bring him here?"

"He's Thomas, one of the top divorce lawyers in RiverCity." After introducing them, I continued calmly, "This marriage is ending whether you like it or not."

Allen's façade crumbled, and he exploded in rage, leaping up as if to strike me. But the bodyguards were quicker, restraining him in the nick of time!

He was fuming, and his face turned beet red. "Jane, you're so ungrateful! Marrying into the Ferguson family, you think you can treat me like this? Forcing me to divorce your aunt?"

I said coldly, "Aunt Cheryl knows whether I'm ungrateful."

The only person who had been kind to me was Aunt Cheryl. Allen had nothing to do with it.

Gritting his teeth, Allen bellowed, "Fine! I'll divorce Cheryl! But I want half of everything. Split down the middle!"

I looked at him, unimpressed. "What assets are you even talking about? Fine, whatever it is, Thomas will sort it out. You can be sure of that."

"I'm not talking about what your aunt and I have!" he shouted.

I frowned. "Then what?"

"Your assets!" He was adamant. "The Ferguson family’s fortune. You've got your half, don’t you? You give me half of all those assets, and I'll happily sign the divorce papers."


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