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Lost Me, Gained Regret (Jane and Bryant Ferguson) novel Chapter 516

Watching the angel-faced toddler in front of me, it hit me that my previous fuss over him correcting how he addressed me was utterly unnecessary, and quite frankly, I might have even complicated things.

Especially considering the relation within the Taylor family, when little Ike first called me "sis," he wasn't off the mark.

By relation, I was indeed his cousin. Realizing this, I couldn't help but find the mix of humor and irony in the situation.

Ike, a true social butterfly even at his young age, looked up at Bella with those big, charming eyes and called out, "Auntie Bella!"

"Hey there."

Bella responded, patting his head gently. Once Ike scampered off to the playroom, she turned to me, "You know, despite the kid having the last name Taylor, he sure takes after you – both in looks and in that charming personality."

What she meant was, the Taylors, or more specifically, Herbert Taylor, were not exactly the most pleasant bunch.

Edith wasn't the least bit offended. If anything, she felt like she found a kindred spirit, "You got that right, Bella! Herbert's demeanor is as outdated as a relic from the Victorian era. Can you imagine if Ike ended up like him? I shudder at the thought!"

Bella chuckled, clearly familiar with the Taylor family saga, teasingly asking, "So, does this mean you're considering a reunion with him?"

"Not in a million years!"

My response was firm, perhaps even a bit heated as I thought about it, "Being with him felt like being in a cage, always doubted, always questioned."

"In what way did he doubt you?" Bella inquired, curious.


Edith, a grown woman, awkwardly touching her nose, "Like, whenever he was working in his study and I'd bring him a snack, he'd quickly stash away any documents he was working on. I know I shouldn't meddle in his work, but it's not a great feeling, being treated like you're about to betray your own family's secrets."

It was a woman-to-woman moment; I instantly got her point.

There's a certain discomfort in being guarded against by your own partner, regardless of the reason.

On the flip side, Gregory was the complete opposite.

Lately, he'd often bring his work over to my place, taking over my desk and mixing his documents with my manuscripts.


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